Page 100 of Drifting

“You made me hard once again.” Mav adjusts himself. “Bad girl, let’s take a nap.”

Snuggling against him, I fall asleep with a smile.


“Hey, sleepyheads, time to wake up,” Nick says and shakes my leg.

I crack my eyes open to see Nick twisted in his seat to look at the backseat. The engine no longer rumbles, and through the windows, I spot a parking lot.

“Don’t wanna,” Mav mumbles beside me.

“We’re about a half-hour out from your uncle’s place.” Dom looks at me in the rearview mirror. “I thought it would be a good time to get something to eat before we arrive.”

“Food?” Mav’s head pops up, and he rubs my back. “Come on, babe, I want some food.”

“Oh, I see how you are. You’re comfortable until someone mentions food.” I remove myself from where I lie on him.

With a boyish smile, Mav pulls me back to kiss me. “It’s food, babe. I never turn down food. I’m a growing boy. I still like you, though.”

I push him away, chuckling, “Fine, go eat your precious food.”

As we pile out of the van and head into the restaurant, I remember coming here with Cin and Uncle Brett. It’s not far from his garage.I scan the seats for anyone familiar, but there are too many people. I don’t even know if I’d recognize them; it’s been a long time since I saw anyone from the garage.

After we order our food, Nick turns to me. “How do you want to do this?”

I let out a sigh. “I’m not sure. It will depend on who answers the door. If it’s Brenda, Jack, or Lara, we’ll have to push our way in.” I tuck some hair behind my ear. “Honestly, I have no idea what’s going to happen when we get there. We need to be prepared for anything.”

I pray everything is alright with Cin. The sound of Brenda hitting Cin then that loud bang keeps running through my mind. When Cin told me Brenda used to take a belt to her, I thought that was the worst she would face going back. Suddenly, I’m not hungry anymore. Darker thoughts fill my mind. If Cin fell down those steps, she could have broken a bone or even her neck. I’m going to make Brenda pay.

A large hand lands on my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts. Dom’s thumb rubs my cheek. “Hey, Firefly, we’ll get her out of there safe and sound. You have my word.”

Peering into his confident, black eyes, I let my body relax. “I know, Griz. Just having some dark thoughts.”

Mav pushes away the hair that frames my face. “Well, stop it and eat something. Even a little will help.”

I nod and take a bite of my club sandwich; it tastes like sawdust.

As the guys eat, they talk around me about their next game, but I can’t bring myself to join the conversation. In the pit of my stomach, I know I won’t like what I find at my cousin’s house.

When they finish eating, I force myself to take another bite, then push my food away.I still have three triangles left of my sandwich. “Anyone want this?”

They each take a triangle, and in one bite, they’re gone.They really do eat fast.

“Are we ready?” Nick asks.

With a yes from all of us, we pay and head back to the SUV.

As Dom drives to my cousin’s house, I can’t stop my leg from bouncing the entire time.

I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans as we pull into my uncle’s driveway.

The house is a typical two-story with dark-gray shutters on the windows and a wraparound porch. Nothing special, but it still felt like home to me. A detached garage sits around the back of the house. A half-done Camaro sits in the driveway, and I wonder if Cin plans to work on it.

As I climb out of the SUV, I scan the windows, searching for any signs of life, but the house looks still.

With a deep breath and a boost of confidence from the guys, I head to the red door, knock, and wait.

And wait.