Next, Mr. Sullivan calls Luke’s name. He jogs in with a football raised high.
Luke takes the mic and says a few words about how this is going to be the best year yet. He ends his speech by saying they’re going to kick Lancaster’s ass, and everyone goes nuts.
After school, I stroll around for a while and end up sitting on one of the black couches by the windows. Across from me is the school store, with a display up that shows t-shirts that say Ravenwood Knights with a knight and a sword pointing outward on the front.
When I got ready this morning, I just grabbed a plain, black t-shirt. I can’t make up my mind if I want to spend the money on the one in the student store, though. Eventually, I give in and walk over to buy one.
Once I enter the store, I notice some of the shirts have numbers and player’s last names on the back.
“Is there a special number you’re looking for?” the girl cashier asks. “If you don’t find it, I can iron it on right now.”
“Can you do three numbers on the back?” I question.
Her brows draw together. “I guess? Never tried before.”
“Good. I want Mav and Dom Knight’s numbers, as well as Luke Mason’s number on the back. But no names.”
She flips through a book that has the numbers for all the football players and pulls vinyl numbers out. “What color shirt do you want? We have gray, black, or white.”
“Black,” I tell her.
She grabs a small t-shirt, lays it on a press, and arranges the vinyl numbers on the back. “Is this arrangement all right with you?”
At my nod, she presses the large handle on the machine down. A large pad drops on top of the shirt and steam comes out of the sides. She leaves it on for a few minutes, then lifts it.
She picks up the shirt and shows me the finished product. “Wait a bit to put it on, because it’s still hot.”
I pay her, take my warm shirt, head back to the couch, and pull out my eReader to read.
The rest of the time before the game passes quickly, and soon, I’m heading to the bathroom and put on my new shirt.
I turn and peer at myself in the mirror. Not bad.
Satisfied, I head out to the parking lot to meet Paige.
The sun is low in the sky, but it’s still warm out. Paige and I planned to meet at Nick’s truck, but she’s not there when I arrive, so I fish his hidden key out and store my book bag in the cab before getting comfortable sitting on the tailgate to wait.
Cam went home for a bit before the game, so I pull my phone out and text him.
Shelby: Are you still coming to the game?
I watch a few people pull in and head to the stadium before the phone buzzes in my hand.
Cam: Yep! Do you think I’d miss seeing my boys?
Cam: Are you going to save me a seat beside you?
Another text pops up, but it’s from Luke.
Luke: You better keep her company. Recently, you seem sad, Shelby, what’s wrong?
I glance up at the darkening blue sky and huff. I haven’t told the guys about Cin. They know she exists, but not what’s been happening to her. Nick told me before we left the house this morning that there’s nothing he can do to help her, and it put me in a bit of a funk.
Me: My cousin’s being abused at home by her stepmother, and I can’t get her out.
Nick: I was researching trying to find anything I could to help her, but other than a judge signing off on emancipation papers, there’s nothing we can do.
Luke: That sucks.