Page 39 of Drifting

“Damn, Nick, your voice changed. It’s all sexy now. I kind of like it,” a deep voice says from the other end.

Goose bumps form on my body. “Sorry to disappoint you, but it’s Shelby, not some sexy guy. Nick asked me to answer his phone. His hands are full of white stuff.”

Cringing, I cover my face. Oh, my God. What did I just say?

“Um, okay…” the voice on the other end of the phone says, sounding unsure.

“No, it’s not what you think. I… Dammit, Nick, take the phone before I make a bigger ass out of myself.” I thrust the phone at him.

Nick laughs as he wipes his hands off and takes the phone.

My face and ears feel beat red, and it’s not from the sun.

Nick finishes the call by telling the other guy to come over, and I glare at Nick as he hangs up.

I let out a huff. “Did you have to invite him over?”

He gives me a half-smile. “Why? You’re not embarrassed, are you?”

“Of course, I am, you idiot. You heard what I said to him.” I slap his shoulder, wanting the world to swallow me whole.

“It’s Luke. He’s been my best friend since we were kids. I explained what we were doing, so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I don’t care. I’m still going to be embarrassed, and I’ll get you back for this.”

He laughs. “Put your shirt on.”

I stand and shake my shirt out.

As I pull it over my head, Nick screams, “Shelby! Look out!”

Next thing I know, I’m shoved forward. Water smacks me right in the face and shoots up my nose.

I come to the surface coughing and blinking my eyes clear of the water to find Nick standing at the side of the pool, yelling at his friend. “Dammit, Luke, she was just in a car accident and still has to wear a cast! Why’d you go and push her in the damn water?”

This is the first I’ve heard Nick swear, and it takes me by surprise.

Luke runs his hand through his toffee brown hair, and his coco-colored eyes peer down at me with concern as I swim over to the side of the pool.

He bends over the side, his hand out to help me. “Sorry, I forgot. Are you—”

He doesn’t get to finish before I grab his hand and pull him forward. He tumbles face-first into the water.

Popping to the surface, he sputters out water with a dazed look on his face.

“Sweet move. Need to remember that one,” Nick says as he walks to the ladder and climbs into the pool. “Luke, you remember Shelby.”

Luke raises his hand above the water and waves. “Hi, Shelby. Sorry about pushing you in. Are you all right?”

I shrug. “Everything feels the same as it did before. My arm might hurt a little bit later, though, since I mostly landed on that.”

“Shit, I’m sorry.” His eyes drop to my arm. “Should I take you to the hospital to get it checked out?”

“Calm down, Luke,” Nick says. “She’d be screaming if she hurt it that bad.”

I hook a thumb toward Nick. “Dr. Nick would know.”

We put our backs against the wall, Nick on one side of me and Luke on the other.