Page 119 of Drifting

Nodding, I turn her around and take off down the road.

It felt damn good to be back on her. I lean into the curves and floor it on the straightaways.

These roads are etched into my memory. I learned how to drive on them, and this is my peace, my serenity. If I ever had a problem, I’d hop on my bike and take off.

Before I go too far, I turn and head back.

When I park in the driveway, everyone is inside.

I walk into the house to find everyone in the living room.

“That was quick,” Billy says, looking over the back of the couch. “I thought you’d be gone for hours.”

“Didn’t have my jacket and got a little cold.” I rub the goose bumps from my arms. “Plus, we need to head back soon.”

“Come here, babe.” Mav pats his legs.

I sit down. Cin relaxes in her dad’s chair, while Nick sits on the floor between the chair and the couch. Mark, Billy, and Ricky are on the couch, and Dom sits on the loveseat with Mav.

“Before I forget, Mom wants you all to come to a pool party next Saturday at our house. All of you.” I point around the room, then look at my pit crew. “Can you guys come?”

“Can I bring someone?” Mark asks, his cheeks reddening.

“Sure, you can bring…” I’m not sure if he’ll bring a girl or a guy and don’tt want to assume.


“That’s fine,” Nick assures.

“Would it be okay for me to bring my girlfriend?” Ricky asks.

I smile. “Are you still dating Amber?”

“Yes. I love her, Shelby. I’m going to ask her to marry me when we’re finished with school,” he says shyly.

“I’m happy for you. Can’t wait to see her again.”

Billy holds up his hands. “I’m single, so bring lots of single girls.”

Shit, I don’t know any girls besides Paige, and she’s seeing Sam. I’m sure the guys know plenty of girls, but I doubt any of them are worthy.

We chat for a few hours, talking about old times before it gets late, and we need to head back home.

“We need to get going.” I slide off Dom’s lap and turn to Cin. “Where would your dad want the Devil?”

“Can you drop her off at his shop?” Cin asks Ricky. “It’s on your way. I’ll call him so he’ll be ready for you.”

He nods. “No problem.”

Everyone gets up, and we start the rounds of goodbye hugs. I get their numbers, then promise to text them the address in the next couple of days.

Dom, Mav, and Nick walk out with them to help back up the trailer.

Cin and I follow, but I pause next to the stairs. “Cin, I need to be honest. Nick’s a great guy, and he’s been there for me since the beginning. Please don’t hurt him. He’s been through enough.”

“I just met him.” She sighs, running her hand through her hair.“I don’t know what I feel, but there’s something special about him.”

I don’t push it any more. I understand what she’s trying to say. I felt it instantly with my guys.