Instead, I pull her into a hug. “I’ll see you in a week. Call me sometime.”
She squeezes me hard. “Thanks for being there for me when I needed it.”
“You were there for me.” Releasing her, I step back. “I’m just returning the favor.”
As I take a step off the porch, she stops me.
She takes off into the house and comes back with her leather jacket. “You can give it back to me when I see you. Ride safe. Text me when you get home.”
I pull the jacket on and head toward the guys, passing Nick as he runs back to say goodbye to Cin, again.
Dom stops me as I stride toward Serenity.
I glance up into his concerned, black eyes. “If it’s too long of a ride, pull over, and I’ll bring her the rest of the way home. Promise me.”
I stand on my toes and kiss him. “I promise, I will. Race ya home.”
Swinging my leg over Serenity, I pull on my helmet, start her up, wave to my cousin, and take off for home.
And for the first time, it really does feel like home. I know Cin is safe, now, and I have my guys to back me. With my wheels back under me, it feels like I can take on anything.
Just you wait, Barbie Squad, I’m coming back ready for a fight.
The End...For Now
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