Page 48 of Breaking Yesterday

“You want thrilling. You just have to be willing to give them the chance.” She lays back and rests her arms above her head. “You haven’t given anyone a chance since that last asshole you dated. Not all guys are that pig.”

Harper thinks Andrew broke up with me at Peter’s funeral. It’s kind of the truth. I told him to stay away from me, but he also threatened me in return. I never got into more details, and she never asked because we both were dealing with Peter’s death.

She pushes up on her elbow, “I don’t mean to bring up bad memories. I just don’t want you to close yourself off because of all the bad things that have happened. I want you to live like I am but in your own way.”

“I know,” I grab her hand, and exhaustion takes hold of us both. We’re silent, both thinking about our past and future.

“Why do you think he had to leave with that other guy?” I yawn as I adjust my pillow.

She faces me and closes her eyes, “Let’s gossip over morning coffee about it.”

“Okay,” I yawn again, “I’ll make us some pumpkin pancakes, too.” I’m not joking. I’m just a fanatic on a mission to convert her.

“Be prepared for a prank even worse than what I did with the Uber driver then,” She grumbles with a grin.

Then I fall asleep beside my best friend.

Chapter 16


It’s true. Grief changes you, and time has a way of either worsening or repairing those changes.

For years, I’ve observed my best friend’s suffering, witnessing the slow erosion of her mind, her once wide grin never stretching as it once did. I’ve seen firsthand that life can be sickeningly short for some, like a beautiful sunset that only lasts for mere minutes. Or terribly long, akin to a massive old oak tree enduring the changing of seasons, the pain of having some branches cut away and others torn off.

After Peter died and Henry abandoned Poppy, I vowed to fill the gap they both left in her heart and mind. I would be the sister she never had, the mother she lost, the father who guides her, and the brothers who protect her.

That’s why I woke up at five a.m., silently sneaking out while my little pumpkin Poppy kept sleeping. It’s that nickname that made me rise and shine early.

I like Julian; the fact that he gave my bestie an adorable nickname had me grinning from ear to ear. At first glance, he’s a perfect ten, for Poppy, not me. Poppy needs a ten; she can’t survive living like I do. Her heart attaches, whereas I won’t allow mine to.

Julian is gorgeous, tall, and strong; certainly, he must be well-endowed, too, if I go by the length of his shoes and the width of his hand.

Julian was Delta Force, so he could handle himself and protect Poppy; he’s the complete opposite of that asshole she dated years ago, of all the jerks she usually dates. He’s living in a nice place and has a good job. On paper, he checks all the boxes.

I tiptoe into the guest room which Poppy deemed my room. We haven’t begun to unpack the stuff. My luggage is here, along with my laptop. You see, I’m more interested in what’s not on paper. Who exactly is Julian, and what is he hiding?

I slowly open my laptop and turn it on. Hacking gives me a thrill; however, in this case, I’m doing it to protect my best friend. If I can save her from heartbreak, then I will.

Did I think what happened at the bar was strange? Hell yes. I know a government-type of guy when I see one, and I spotted them last night. I also noticed the tail following us as Kent drove us home. A tail Kent noticed as well.

Who exactly are Kent and Julian?

“Julian Sterling,” I mumble as my fingers race over the keyboard. “Why does that name sound so…no…it can’t be.” A few more clicks confirmed my suspicions. “Holy fuck!” I gasp with a giggle. Poppy is going to shit a brick when she finds out.

I stand and take two steps. Naturally, I want to rush to her and start gossiping.Don’t do that, Harper; think ahead.

If Julian continues to pass my scrutiny and meet my expectations, Poppy will panic if I reveal this information to her. When Poppy panics, she runs and hides; this whole move to Texas will be for nothing.

Nope, I can’t allow that to happen. I won’t allow Poppy to return to that house and be surrounded by ghosts.

I keep digging but hit roadblocks. Since Julian was Delta Force, major portions of his life are redacted.

Another click has Julian’s family tree popping up on my screen. “That’s your uncle!” Well, this keeps getting better. Daniel Sterling is the Director of the CIA.

My palms feel itchy; they always do when I do something a little more naughty. If I’m caught poking too close to Julian, his uncle could ruin me.

Good thing I won’t get caught.