Page 47 of Breaking Yesterday

I can't believe I asked him that, but something about Julian makes me feel completely free. Those stormy eyes have cut me open wide, and I just want to be honest. I want to be a lot of things I never thought I would feel again. Naughty, nice, flirty, and seductive.

Being around Harper shows me just how much I have changed. I've built a cocoon around myself, but my wings are ready and itching to break free and fly.

"Well…" Harper joins me, already starting to undress down to her bra and panties. I've seen her completely naked more times than I have seen myself nude.

"He's a sinfully good kisser. It's like I could feel his tongue all over my body."

"So, no need for sex then.” I kid.

"No," she replies with a sullen tone.

My jaw hits the floor. I look like a cartoon character in shock. "What happened?"

She grabs a towel from the half-unpacked box and turns on the shower. "Kent is… he's…" She opens the door and allows the steam to cover her.

"Harper! Are you smitten with Kent?"

She rolls her eyes. "I'm smitten with a new guy every week."

"No, you're not. You're attracted but not speechless."

She grabs the pumpkin body wash and starts to lather up. Little does she know what scent she grabbed. I suppress a laugh, then grab the box labeled “Pajamas” in the far corner.

"I'm not speechless. I'm just accepting fate. The night was a bust; it's not meant to be, which is for the best."

"Why is that?" I rip open a box and wait to hear what excuse she will come up with.

"If I had sex with Kent, he would be my ten. I could tell by the way he kissed me. No one has kissed me like that. The way he worked his tongue could have made Mary worship the devil."

I reach for my pink flannel PJs, "What's wrong with finding a ten?"

"Everything!" She snaps. "If I find a ten right now, no one else will compare. They will all fall short. Sex won't be as much fun anymore. Kent will be the benchmark. I don't want the top charts yet."

"What if you stumble across another ten again."

"It's impossible. Once you find a ten, that's it; it's a slow death, Pops. You'll have sex with a new guy, and it will fall short, so you try again with another guy; boom, it's even worse than the last. You keep thinking about the ten, then become next-level obsessed with him. You turn into a crazy stalker lady who lurks around the corner. Once you hit a crazy level, no other ten will go near you. They can sense it. It's like an internal radar. That's why it's best to stay away from all level tens. One night that is defined as the best sex of your life is not worth no enjoyable sex and being hit with a restraining order."

I let out a whistle, "All or nothing then."

"Sex always is." She acknowledges. "I made up my mind."

"So what are you going to tell Kent? Because from what I overheard, he's eager for his punishment." I snicker.

She turns off the shower, grabs a towel, and slowly grins as she steps out, "That's simple. I'll tell him your crab infestation has spread."

I grab the first thing I see, a hand towel, and toss it at her. "You're certifiable.” I giggle.

"I know, but admit it: You love me even more because I'm insane and have no filter." She grabs a brush and combs out her hair, “Julian liked you, pumpkin spice, crabs and all. He's even calling you ‘Pumpkin.’” She states, her blue eyes carefully watching me in the mirror.

I chew my bottom lip.

"Let me stress this, Pops: he gave you a nickname other than 'baby.' That means he plans on calling you that name for more than one night."

"Then he had to leave mysteriously. What do you think that was all about?” I ask as we both exit the bathroom and hop on my bed. “I just want normal, Harper. I don’t want a bad boy.”

“You don’t want normal, or you would have stayed back in North Carolina and eventually found someone. You would have settled in that hell.”

She’s not entirely wrong, but she also doesn’t know all the details.