“I know it was a difficult decision for you,” she managed to say without rolling her eyes.

“No. Don’t let me off that easy. I was completely foolish to let what amounted to nepotism by marriage interfere with the great staff I already had in place at my flagship hotel. I hope you’ll accept my sincerest apology.”

That was an easier proposition in her mind.

Jessica’s genuine smile came easier this time. “No problem. I accept your apology, Mr. Barrington. I know you were only thinking of your daughter and what you thought was best for her and your son-in-law at the time.”

“True.” He looked away and nodded. “Often parents are blinded by duty to their children, but that’s not an excuse any longer. I’ve sketched out some brand new policies just today regarding this very subject. After I run the legalese of it by my lawyers and get the board of director’s approval, of course, I’ll put it into the permanent by-laws, so that this sort of thing never happens again. I expect it will be implemented within the next few weeks.”

Jessica wasn’t certain what to say to that. Good for you. After the fact of losing not only me, but also my good friend Isabelle, now you’ll stop being a prick and even put in writing? Your words still don’t apply to me. You are a permanent part of my past.

His gaze lifted and drilled deeply into her eyes. “There is one other very important topic I’d like to discuss, Jessica.” His stare never wavered. She was compelled by the force of it to stare back. “The truth is, I’ve come here tonight for another more pressing reason. I’d like to offer you your old job back. The one you never should have lost because of who my daughter married.”

Fat fucking chance.

He continued. “I know it won’t be an easy transition for you, but I’m also prepared to offer you a substantial bump in salary. Shall we say twenty percent? And full reparations for moving back to Chicago. I know I’m asking a lot in the way of looking the other way from my previous actions, but please consider my offer very seriously. I do want to set things right. I don’t know how else to accomplish that unless I put you back to work for me. The company needs you and so do I.”

Jessica’s eyebrows rose at the overly generous percentage he was offering. She’d be lying if she hadn’t immediately calculated the bump in pay versus what she made now. Plus, the additional incentive pay for her move back was actually unheard of at the Barrington hotels. If someone wanted a job with Mr. Barrington’s hotel, they paid to get there.

However, there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that she’d ever go back there. Not even if she lost the job here at Old West Town for some reason. She loved working with Gray, and now with Isabelle here her work life couldn’t be more perfect. She’d never go back to Barrington hotels. Not for any reason.

That bridge had not only been burned, it had been completely obliterated by a nuclear detonation as far as she was concerned. Too bad, so sad. Don’t come crying to me now that you found out what a prick loser Chucky is, and how your business can’t help but suffer the consequences of that inherently bad decision.

Jessica had to work hard to keep a straight face and not tell him he could shove his job offer up his ass along with a live grenade.

She cleared her throat to keep any amusement out of her tone when she said, “I accept your apology, Mr. Barrington. I also appreciate your more than generous offer for my old job back. It’s true that I worked very hard for you for many years. That was a difficult position for me to lose.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Seth’s expression shift from composed to crestfallen. However, he didn’t have a thing to worry about. For now she’d offer platitudes to Mr. Barrington. It was a part of her hotel-management DNA to be nice in person. Later on she’d send him a not no, but hell no letter of refusal, with nicer, more professional words included, and stay exactly where she was right now.

Happy. In love. And not changing a thing.

“It would certainly be a huge transition if I were to come back, but I’ll think about it. I’ll let you know my answer very soon.”