Mr. Barrington didn’t seem to want to let it go so easily. “I actually have a contract in my rental car. I had H.R. fax it to me earlier. If you’d like to take a look—”

Jessica broke in to his impassioned speech before he said anything more ridiculous and she was forced to laugh him out of town, saying quickly, “I’d like to give serious thought to your offer before I sign anything, but I appreciate your earnest proposal. I promise, I’ll consider it very carefully, and I’ll let you know as soon as possible my ultimate decision.”

The sincerity in her tone shocked even Jessica. At least he wouldn’t stay here and keep at her endlessly. She better than anyone knew exactly how Mr. Barrington operated when he wanted something. He was like a terrier with a bone, not letting it drop until he had the deal in hand or the bone was chewed to bits, whatever came first.

She’d used his favorite phrase, ultimate decision, knowing he’d think she planned to join him. She wouldn’t, of course.

Mr. Barrington smiled like he’d won. He shot a look of triumph to both Seth and Garrett. She went back to working hard to keep her laughter tucked inside. Whatever. Like his foolish bump in salary and I’m sorry I was such a clueless prick when I fired you apology would wipe out their recent past.

It didn’t. Not by a long shot. She wasn’t leaving this job. She was happy here. Not even if he offered her a hundred times the salary. Because sometimes non-monetary perks were just as valuable, like good friendships, good work peers, and looking forward to going to work every day. She’d never had that at Barrington, not realizing what she’d been missing until working for Gray at Old West Town.

Mr. Barrington excused himself, whistling as he exited, sounding confident he’d won the day.

The evening clerk caught Jessica’s eye, motioning her to the front desk. “Hang on a minute,” she said with a smile. “Sometimes it’s hard to get out of here without a few trial attempts.”

She grinned at her men one last time and turned to the night employee, looking rather harried.

Chucky was gone. Only a short, terse letter of refusal stood between her and any further communication with her former boss.

Tonight, she had special dinner plans and a sexy evening ahead with her men. They’d been hiding something from her, but she thought she knew what it was and the idea made her giddy with delight.

The promise of a bright future here in Montana with two men she loved beyond distraction was on her horizon. Things were finally looking up for a change.

* * * *

“Obviously, I’m not well versed in hotel management,” Garrett said quietly. “But that sounds like an offer that will be hard for her to refuse.”

Seth nodded. “It is. I don’t know that I’d refuse it. Twenty percent. Fuck. Barrington must be desperate.”

“You can’t match it?”

He pushed out a long breath of frustration. “I can’t even come close. With a twenty bump, her salary would likely be more than half the percentage of the entire hotel payroll.”

Garrett shrugged. “She’s worth it.”

“No argument there, but unfortunately it’s not good business sense in this particular case.”

“I know. You’re right.”

They both watched her at the desk working out whatever problem there was. In Seth’s humble opinion, she was such an incredible person. She always made well-thought-out, good decisions, the staff loved her, and he hated the idea of losing her from this new hotel endeavor. But she deserved her old job back. She’d worked ten long years at the Barrington hotel chain only to be cast aside like so much garbage. This opportunity was one she shouldn’t pass up. He better than anyone understood that, but desperately hated to lose her.

Seth was at a loss. “What should we do?”

“We have two choices as I see it. Let her go, or go with her.”

His mouth fell open. “Are you crazy? You want to let her go?”

Garrett narrowed his brows. “No. But I am willing to go with her.”

“What? You’d be willing to give up your job for a woman, again? I never thought I’d hear you say such a thing.” Seth found a happy moment for the first time since Barrington made his offer.