She then walked carefully the way she’d come toward her room, noticing a new car parked next to hers. She also discovered that her legs were a little wobbly after no lunch or dinner. The two straight vodkas splashing around happily in her empty tummy also didn’t help with her walking abilities.

As she approached her room, Jessica noticed a striking man leaning against the front driver’s side quarter panel of the car parked beside hers. Actually, she noticed his cowboy boots first. Ooh, was this a cowboy? Must be. Was it her imagination, or did this cowboy have very large feet?

What was it they said about men with big feet? She smiled to herself as the memory dropped inside her brain. Big feet. Big cock.

Maybe she wouldn’t have to go to the tavern after all. Perhaps she could find what she needed right here at the motel. The man she stared at was checking his phone, and didn’t see her yet. Upon further study, he was absolutely delicious. Perfect.

One of his ankles crossed casually over the other. His butt rested above the front driver’s side wheel well. His focus was still on his phone, so she allowed her gaze to travel upward. His thighs, encased in snug denim, were muscular, well shaped and for some reason she suddenly pictured them pressed between her open legs, pumping faster and faster. She shook her head to clear the vision.

She considered whether or not to look at his package for about a nanosecond before her gaze eagerly zeroed in on a nice-sized bulge centered across his lap. As if even when it wasn’t aroused, his cock took up a lot of room in his pants. Nice.

His wavy dark blond hair was trimmed fairly short on the sides and back, but grew longer on the top. It would be plenty long enough for her to slip her fingers through, get a nice grip to discover how silky soft or coarse it might be as he fucked her with his huge, impressive cock. She preferred soft hair, but either way would be fine with her as long as he centered his attention completely on her, and only her.

The sound of her heels echoed into the night as she approached this delectable cowboy. He glanced up from his phone as she got closer, and did a double take, which she appreciated.

She saw his gorgeous eyes, his magnificent smile, and his sexy two day’s beard growth all at the same time. Slam. Pow. Bang. He was amazing all the way from his boot tips to his wavy hair. His immediate focus shifted from his phone to her.

Under normal circumstances, she’d smile and keep moving. Tonight, she was looking for someone to make her feel special. She needed it. Even if she only garnered a dance or a kiss. She wanted it.

This man looked like a perfect candidate to take the edge off her stingingly low spirit and satisfy her neglected libido. Especially tonight of all nights.

Her wobbly legs shifted in mid-stride to go forth and at least introduce herself. Even if he didn’t want to satisfy her in the bridal suite, it never hurt to make friends with men who had big feet, right?

Confident he wouldn’t be interested in her anyway, she planned to simply let fate decide her path tonight. Whatever happened with this coming chat would be a sign for whether or not she should pursue this man. Unfortunately, she failed to see the curb drop off as she had gravitated in Mr. Delectable’s direction.

Before she could say “Hey, do you want to be my bridegroom tonight?” she misjudged her step off of the sidewalk and launched gracelessly into the air.

Her plastic lined bucket was the true casualty, spraying tiny squares of ice across three open parking spaces when it struck the asphalt and cracked. There was another new expense on her already too large motel bill. She then completed her humiliating tumble onto her hands and knees, landing right at his very large, booted feet.

Mr. Delectable bent down immediately. “Are you okay?” His hand caressed her shoulder with surprising warmth as he helped her stand up again.

“I’ll live. But how completely embarrassing.” She looked into his concerned eyes and took a step to get closer. That was the moment she discovered her ankle had twisted awkwardly during her graceless fall. One step, and an electric shock of pain shot from her ankle to her brain. She fell right into his open arms, pressing her breasts into his firm chest. Was this the sign from fate pointing her in this guy’s direction? Hope so.