“Whoa there.” He wrapped his solid arms around her torso, hugging her tight to his body, and keeping her from hitting the pavement again.

“Must have twisted my ankle. Awesome. Now I’m even more humiliated.”

But then her face pressed deliciously into his muscular chest, and the utterly masculine scent of him intoxicated all of her senses. Her breasts tingled at the abrupt contact. She got even more lightheaded, and not from the vodka either. She wanted him. She wanted him to take all her pain away.

The sting of her ankle faded in the wake of this discovery. She caught a glance of his full, sensuous lips, contemplating what kind of kiss he’d deliver.

Before she could say a word of protest—and she wouldn’t have anyway—he’d swooped down and picked her up into his strong capable arms. “Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve never had a woman fall at my feet before. Actually, it makes me feel special.”

That makes two of us.

Jessica slid her arms more firmly around his neck, lying to herself that it was to hold on better. In fact, it gave her better access to breathe in the yummy-scented air wafting around his neck and chest. Plus, he didn’t seem to mind. He smelled so fucking good, she had to resist the urge to sniff him like a dog checking out a particularly juicy bone.

He glanced in her direction and grinned suddenly. She swore she heard a choir of angels break out into song. A shimmy of desire buzzed low in her belly. Hopefully, he wasn’t reading her mind. Or perhaps a mindreading trait would make it easier to get him to do what she wanted. At least one kiss from that perfect mouth.

She gazed lovingly into his eyes. “Well, we’re even then. Because I’ve never been so knocked out by a pretty face that I didn’t have control of my legs before.”

He squeezed her in his arms. “I’m not just a pretty face, you know. I’m also smart and funny.”

It was her turn to grin. “I have no doubt.”

“Where’s your room? The least I can do is see you safely home for the night.”

“Actually, I’m in the bridal suite. Number thirty-six.” She pointed in the direction of her room and for the first time appreciated the fact that it was nice and quiet and located at the end of the building away from all the other rooms.

“The bridal suite?” He stopped in mid step. The concern shaping his face was sincere. “Am I about to be beaten up by your brand new husband for taking unsuitable liberties?”

She gazed into his luscious blue eyes. “Nope. It was simply the only room available for the night.” She squeezed him tighter, and said, “But if you want to marry me, then I’d be delighted to share the room with you.”

He grinned again, and the invisible angels let loose another chorus.

She tightened her grip around his neck once more, and said, “Actually, given the past several weeks, I’d be delighted to share the room regardless of our marital status.”

Mr. Delicious hugged her closer to his chest, as well, and asked, “Is that so? What happened to you in the past several weeks?”

“My ex-fiancé knocked up my employer’s daughter a couple of months before we were supposed to get married. Then he announced the news on Valentine’s Day to a room full of my peers at work, including my boss.

“So, on that score, I’m pretty sure the last man in my life doesn’t care what I do any more. I know I don’t care about him. All of this is only worse because this morning I would have been married and tonight would have been my wedding night.” Why would I admit all of that? She closed her eyes, wishing that vodka didn’t loosen her lips so easily.

“That’s appalling.” He took a couple more steps before adding, “Then again, you’re better off. He’s obviously an idiot, and you should count your blessings.”

Her brows scrunched. “I know he’s an idiot. How did you guess?”

He stared deeply into her eyes. “Because you’re stunning. Clearly, he didn’t deserve you. I’d say you were lucky to have escaped when you did for whatever reason.”

“You’re absolutely right. I just wished I’d realized what a rat bastard he was before I spent so much non-refundable deposit money on our wedding arrangements.” She leaned her head against this man’s solid shoulder, relishing the way she felt so protected and safe in his strong, capable arms. It was a feeling she’d truly missed lately.