“You knew about my previous relationship; how he cheated, then chose her. I begged you not to break me the way he did, and you promised you were nothing like him. I loved you so much and gave you everything. God, how could I have been so stupid?” I shake my head and scoff. “I wish you both, till death do you part. Then I hope she brings a date to your funeral.” Holding my head high, I exit his office, leaving the door open wide.
Chapter Two
After my meeting, I stop in the breakroom to fill up on go-go juice. Must be my lucky day because I get the first pour from a freshly brewed pot of coffee.
“Yes!” I wiggle my body, doing a happy dance while filling my mug.
“Too early for this,” Fran exhales, standing next to me with her mom of the year coffee mug in hand. “And aren’t you a little old for a mug like that?” She nods towards my Hulk fist sculpted mug.
“Ma’dam.” I bow my head. “Let me top that off for you.” I fill her mug, ignoring the scowl on her face. “My mug makes me happy. My grandma told me when I was just a wee boy that I should only do things that make me happy.” I smile widely at her.
“And here you are, an accountant,” she says sarcastically while pouring sugar into her mug. “God, how can you drink that?” she asks, watching me take a drink.
“I see you take your sugar with a little coffee.” I snicker, taking another sip when I hear shouting coming from Shayla’s office, followed by a gigantic crash.
“Woah.” I jump, peeking my head out of the breakroom.
Everyone’s attention is focused on Shayla’s closed door, making the office dead quiet. Shouting coming from one of the attorneys’ offices is not unusual, especially with the clients we represent.
“Hey Kel, what’s going on?” I nod towards Shayla’s office.
“You haven’t heard? Oh my God. Turns out boss-man was on a romantic vacay with his ex,” she excitedly says with a huge smile on her face.
“Sex tape scandal influencer?” I tilt my head.
“Actress,” she corrects. “I’m thrilled. They’re the perfect power couple.”
“The one that publicly humiliated him by saying he had a tiny… pecker?” I scrunch my face.
“She’s since apologized.” Kel nods before walking away.
I scratch my head, trying to figure out what’s wrong with Mr. Walker.
Maybe he has a brain eating amoeba.
It’d explain why he’d choose Liza over Shayla. I’ve been here for seven years and met Liza several times, and well… she’s awful. By today’s beauty standards, she’s top tier… if you’re into silicone and cigarette breath.
In my mind, I’ve always thought Shayla was beautiful. Not to mention one smart cookie. She just doesn’t pick the best guys. I remember right after I started here; she went through a tough break-up. Kevin, I think his name was. Gym-bro type dude and friend of her brother. Complete slimeball if you ask me. She didn’t show much emotion, but her shine just wasn’t there for a while.
Suddenly her office door flies open, and she rushes out. With a wild look in her eyes, she races past me, gets on an elevator, and leaves a frantic Dorin behind.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Dorin says to herself, walking past me.
“Oooo.” I look at Fran with wide eyes. “Crapola’s about to go down.” I laugh.
It’s Friday, four days since everything went down between Mr. Walker and Shayla, and one heck of a tense week. Everyone’s walking on eggshells and keeping quiet. Shayla’s kept it professional and classy, but her shine is gone again.
“Ladies and germs of the eighth floor, it’s time to celebrate Amanda Jones as she makes another trip around the sun.” Hanging up the phone, I wait for the others to gather.
After singing happy birthday and passing out cake, I look around and see everyone is present, except Shayla. She’s in her office, nose stuck in a file. Usually, she’s here with a gift card on behalf of the firm, but not today. Today that duty fell on Dorin’s shoulders. I’m not sure why, but I can feel her pain. Cake in hand, I tap on her open door with my knuckle.
“Yes?” she asks without looking up.
“It’s Bobby from the party planning committee.” I step into her office.
“Dorin has the gift card,” she states.