Page 88 of XOXO

“I have cake, in case you missed my announcement,” I stammer.

“I’m not exactly in the mood for cake or socializing,” she says without looking at me.

“That’s why I brought it to you.” I smile, walking to her desk.

“Just leave it over there.” She points to the front of her desk.

Determined to lift her mood, I walk around and set the cake right in front of her.

“What the hell?” She holds her hands up.

“It’s ice cream cake. Better eat it before it melts.” I smile and nod.

“This is not a place for cake. These papers are extremely important.” She picks up the cake, offering it to me. “Here.”

“No, thank you.” I rub my belly. “Already had a piece.”

“Are you dense or something?” She groans.

“Quite the contrary. I have an IQ of one-twenty-five.” I proudly say.

“For someone so intelligent, you’re kind of dumb.” She sharply exhales.

“Wow. Rude much?” I put my hands on my hips and laugh while bobbing my head. “Well, this dummy has seen you working your derriere off without looking up. I noticed the sadness in your eyes and thought cake would help.” I bow with my hands extended out. “You’re welcome.”

“How’s cake supposed to help?” She crosses her arms across her chest.

“Have you ever seen a sad person eating ice cream cake?” I shake my head. “No, you haven’t.” I turn and leave before my ego takes another hit.

With a week left before the firm’s annual charity auction, each floor’s party planning committees have joined forces and taken over the small boardroom on the eighth floor. It’s been a gathering point for all the donated items.

“Woah.” Shayla walks into the conference room. “What’s this?” She looks around.

“It’s for the firm’s upcoming party.” I push my shoulders back.

I have avoided her since cakegate, while she has avoided everyone else.

“The one on Valentine’s Day?” She pretends to gag.

“Yes, this year’s theme is Whirlwind of Whispers Masquerade.” I smile and nod.

“Great.” She rolls her eyes.

“I take it you don’t like Valentine’s Day. Why?” I walk towards her.

“Isn’t it obvious?” She shrugs.

“You had a couple of guys that didn’t treat you right, so what, you’ve completely given up on love?” I cross my arms across my chest.

“I wouldn’t say that. Just not fond of a day that exploits many, so a few can line their pockets. It forces unrealistic social pressure while making the rest of us feel like shit because no one chose us.” She exhales.

“Wow.” I stare at her with my mouth open. “You’ve left me speechless. I love Valentine’s Day myself.”

“Why’s that?” She picks up one of the silent auction items.

“What’s not to love about it?” I shrug. “We constantly run this rat race called life, but we set aside this one day to focus on our partners. I mean, that should happen every day, but life sometimes gets in the way. Ya know?”

“Your partner is lucky,” she plainly states.