Page 179 of XOXO

The sun is almost set and it’s too late to go hunting now.

I closed the distance between us before pulling her into me. “I’m sorry, my love.”

She pushed my dark, shoulder length hair behind my back before placing her hands on my neck. The way she peered up at me with nothing less than intense love, would make the knees of the strongest man buckle.

“It’s okay, but since we aren’t going hunting, I’m headed to teach Volcan.”

Since the first day they met, Ember and the Demon we captured a few months back have been friends. She complains every day that he’s imprisoned. King Reign was still apprehensive of trusting him, even after Volcan helped us save Ember and her sister when they were abducted by the now dead Demon King, Erebus.

Despite the king’s doubts, I trusted Volcan. It also helped to know if he ever attempted to harm Ember, she had full capability of defending herself.

“How’s he doing with learning to read?” I asked, sliding my hands onto her lower back.

“He’s doing great! King Reign and I had another meeting about his pardon. He keeps saying not yet, but I’m slowly wearing him down.”

Knowing my mate was absolutely annoying the shit out of the king to get what she wanted made me smile.

“That’s wonderful. Keep chipping at him until he gives in.”

“Obviously.” She smiled mischievously and I laughed.

“Have fun, my love, and be safe.”

She pushed herself up onto her toes ready for a kiss. “I’ll see you soon.”

Even though I have pressed my lips against hers thousands of times, every kiss she gave me felt like the first, sending my blood pumping fast.

After the brief show of affection, we broke free. I watched the back of her red head as she made her way to the portal. Now, with her gone, I had my own mission to tackle.

Living with five other people, not counting my mate, someone was bound to help me. I pulled the wrought iron door open and entered the manor. The sound of footfalls radiated through the air as someone came down the stairs.

“Hello, Valarian!” Zila descended quickly, her wavy hair bouncing with each step.

“Hey, Zila. Do you have a second?”

She stopped in the foyer, her silver-gray eyes locking on mine. “Of course. Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Can I ask for your advice on something?”

“Of course, Val.”

“I need to buy a present for Ember for Flaik Luna. I’m completely clueless about what to get. Do you have any suggestions?

Flaik Luna was a Lycan holiday the entire realm celebrated by worshiping the Queen of the Moon. During the event called the Snow Moon Festival of Love, people honored their loved ones with gifts and treats.

When I first came to Castleva, none of us were mated, so we each would buy or make presents for everyone in the house to exchange for fun. Almost every year, I either got my housemates their favorite sandwich from a small stand on another landmass or took them to a burlesque show. Since this was my first celebration with Ember, I wanted it to be special.

“Ember is a simple girl, Val. She likes weapons, reading, and visiting Amethyst Falls. I’m sure she would be happy with anything. Please don’t get her a sandwich like you do us. It’s not very romantic.”

I smirked because I had already contemplated getting her favorite triple stacker.

“I say get her a book,” Zila continued. “She’s always in the library reading romance.”

“That’s actually a great idea. Since I’m clueless about books, would you like to come with me to the Mazuria bookstore tomorrow? You could get your presents while we’re there.”

“I already made everyone in the house something, and since I don’t have a mate, I don’t need to purchase anything.”

A sad look washed over Zila’s tawny face and I knew she was thinking about Natsu. Unfortunately, it was crabbing season, so he was stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean for the entire winter. But even if he wasn’t, they’ve been nothing more than friends.