Page 178 of XOXO

“Not that bad? This will be the worst mission to date. I’m not sure I’ll even survive.”

Zayn cocked a dark brow, a look of bewilderment taking over his normally serene expression. “Witnessing a stoic vampire displaying a dramatic side is quite impressive.”

He laughed and it took an impeccable amount of strength not to bare my fangs at my good friend.

“It’s easy for you to make light of the situation since you’re not involved.” I inhaled deeply, releasing the breath swiftly into the chilly air.

Zayn took a sip of his apple brandy, ignoring my exasperated sigh. “I appreciate you asking me on this beautiful evening walk through the gardens, but if I had known the topic of conversation, I would have declined.”

Meeting the love of my life had been the best thing to happen to me. The bond Ember and I had was unbreakable. Especially after enduring so much together.

Perhaps this mission would be an exception.

Will this be what tears us apart? Will this be our demise?

“As my best friend, it’s your job to analyze the situation with me and come up with a plan. I need guidance.”

Zayn came to a halt next to the once beautiful roses, which had died off in the cold. He sighed, running a hand through his coal black hair, as he normally did when nervous or frustrated.

Which, I’m sure at this point, he was sick of me.

“I don’t know what you need from me, buddy.”

“How about you show some serious concern, Zayn?”

“Not to change the subject, but weren’t you supposed to go hunting with Ember before the sun set? I saw her earlier with a bow on her back, ready to go.”

I crossed my arms and shamefully looked at the ground, my dark hair falling forward. “I’m staying clear of her until I figure out what to do.”

“If she finds out you’re avoiding her, this so-called mission will be the least of your worries. She’s stabbed people for far less.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time she’s stabbed me.” I rubbed my hand across my heart, remembering the day her dagger pierced it.

Zayn chuckled at my all too real joke before exhaling heavily. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you, Val. Perhaps you should seek guidance from Cash or one of the ladies.”

The only thing I could do was nod, wondering who else would offer their help.

Wind whisked past me as Zayn released his sleek black wings, the green and blue hues catching the light of the setting sun.

“Anyway, I have a minor task of my own to do.”

The rays shining upon the golden undertone of his face made him appear ethereal—nothing less than the Angel he was—yet, I still wanted to deck him.

“Good luck, buddy!” Zayn grinned as if he knew what I was thinking before shooting into the sky. Once he faded into the orange and pink horizon, I turned and headed across the estate.

Stationed in the country of Ashbern, Castleva Manor had been the place I called home for the last five years. I didn’t have a choice in my career, since I had been born with a guardian mark, it was my destiny to protect the kingdom.

Once I mated Ember, our guardian symbols intertwined as one—as did our souls—adding flames behind the golden axe and shield tattoo in the center of my chest. It was a constant reminder not to fail her.

When I rounded the corner to the dark gray manor, which looked more like a small castle, my mission was standing before me. With hair as bright as a flame, and an attitude as strong as steel, my bondmate was nothing less than perfection.

She was in her normal raiment, consisting of a black corset with silver buckles up the front, paired with black pants tight on her thick thighs. Her royal purple velvet cloak was opened just enough to show the dagger strapped onto her right leg.

A smile pushed up her fawn freckled cheeks when her emerald eyes locked on me. Valarian Grey, where have you been? she wielded the question to me.

Like all Vampires, I had the capability of hearing the thoughts of anyone who wasn’t shielding their mind—an action we’re taught in grade school. But when mental shields were up, they had to wield their thoughts to me. This came in handy during battle.

I was spending time with Zayn.