Page 125 of XOXO

I chuckle. She is paying attention. When I look over at her, there is humor in her eyes.

“Shut up, brat.” I huff, tossing a shirt at her face. Her phone drops to the floor, and she gives me a heatless glare. I roll my eyes as she does the same, bending down to retrieve it.

“Oh, to be young and to see your feet,” Danika says from behind me wistfully.

Which has us laughing. The laughter follows me while I head to the bathroom, where I finish getting dressed for my date. I’ve kept it simple yet sexy-ish. Dani will be pissed, but I’ll not dress like someone I’m not for, one of the club brothers. If he is looking for another Dani, he is out of luck.


“No means no, not just no, but hell no.”

Two weeks earlier…

“So, she’s Dani’s sister.”

I’m only half listening because Nitro is the Prez’s brother, and I’m new. Not brand new, but new enough. I left Sacramento for Vegas after I patched in. The transfer happened because I wanted and needed to be out of my Pop and older brother's shadow. I’m a legacy, and with that comes expectations. Expectations to be like Hound and Hound Jr., and that wasn’t me. Now I’m back, which means I don’t want to start over by having the club officers pissed at me.

Nitro and his ol’ lady have been trying to convince me to take Dalia Danika’s sister on a date. I’ve explained to them more than once. I don’t date. I tried that shit, and when I say I’ll never do it again, I mean it. No way in hell do I want that headache-inducing drama in my life again. The little stalker I once called my girl ensured I learned my lesson. How is it when women say no, we should listen, but when we say it, we get stalked and our lives get turned upside down?

Veronica and her cop brother were relentless ruining what I had in Vegas. Veronica lied, manipulated, and had me put in jail on trumped-up charges, all because I said No. No to her moving in, no to making her my ol’ lady, no to her trying to make me her baby daddy. That was the shit that fucked with me. She tried to pass another mans kid off as mine. Fuck that. Hell yeah, I said NO. Apparently, No was her crazy switch. Within a week, my house was raided, my bike impounded, and I was in jail for assault on a chick I hadn’t seen since she was kicked out and banned from the clubhouse.

So, hearing about the little hellcat who beat up her boyfriend on Valentine's Day last year and ended up in jail. That is not the kind of chick I plan to date–ever.

“Brother, listen, my ol’ lady is riding my ass about this. She likes you.” He growls like saying the words leave a foul taste in his mouth. “And my wildflower doesn’t like many people.” I can hear the love he has for his woman in his voice.

I clocked that as soon as I got settled here. Dani is the sweetest woman I’ve ever met, and if she likes you, she’s an angel. But that woman is queen cold shoulder if she doesn’t. Just ask the club whores and Axel. She can hold a damn grudge. When I got here, she instantly took a liking to me. Of course, I tread lightly because she’s my brother's old lady, but she wasn’t having me put distance between us because she liked me. And the saying that whatever Nitro’s wildflower wants, she gets–is no joke.

Being in with Dani means I see her almost daily and have been invited, along with a few brothers, to the Masterson family dinners. At first, I was standoffish, even though I’ve known the Mastersons all my life. I’m closer to Axel and Nitro than I am to Prez. But when I left to go to Vegas, coming back became something I did very little of, so we all drifted apart. I wasn’t even here when my brother Hound Jr. got married.

“Seriously, man, it’s one damn date. Dani did all the legwork. All you need to do is show up. No muss, no fuss.” His hand slams down on the bar top, and I look down at it and back up at my club's SAA, brow raised.

“What the actual fuck? You’re paying me to take this chick out. That’s fucked up. You know that, right?” I stare him in the eyes with shock. Is he paying me to take this chick out?

“Look, I get your reluctance. I know you’ve heard about how different Dalia is from my wildflower. But she’s a good girl. She doesn’t listen sometimes and is pigheaded. But she isn’t a psycho. The prick she beat would have gotten his just deserts when we found out why she beat his ass.” He chuckles, and a few brothers chuckle and give words of agreement.

“Brother, listen. I’m sure she’s a great girl…” Before I can finish, my phone lights up. And I can guess who it is. Lifting the phone to face Nitro after letting out a resigned sigh. “I’ve changed my number five fucking times, and she finds it every time. This is what going on a few dates gets me. I’m not that guy, brother. I’m good with getting my strange and using the club girls. Anything else…” I sit the phone down and shake my head while it vibrates.

“Shit, you didn’t get one of our phones. My bad brother. I’ll get that handled.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket and sends a text. “My nephew will have a new one in my office by morning.” He says sheepishly and gives me an apologetic pat on my shoulder.

“Not the point, brother, not the point,” I say as I let out an annoyed sigh.

“You know what’s funny, Dekker? I’ve listened to my boy and Dani discussing you and your… love life. Dani speaks highly of you, as does my son. Let me tell you something, Dekker. Life is too short to live with regrets. Dalia is…” She sighs and a smile plays on her lips as her eyes glitter. “Dalia is more than the sum of her mistakes. She is a woman who knows what she wants and what she doesn’t. She isn’t a doormat. But what she is… is kind, loyal, and honest. She is a good girl and a bad girl when she needs to be. One date. And I think you will see what I do. Maybe you will see in her what no one else seems to see.” Vera, the club's previous matriarch, pats my back. Her eyes scan the room contemplatively. Something plays behind her eyes when she looks up at her son. When I think she isn’t done. I realize she is. She gives us a sad smile, turns, and walks away.

“Whelp, you’re screwed now, brother. Because when momma V wants something, she gets it. Ask every man with an ol’ lady that’s happy. She’s had a hand in damn near every one of our relationships,” Torch says as he and a few other brothers' belly laugh as I stare at my half-empty beer.

“Fuck, guess I’m going on a damn date. Fuck.”

“Finally, he sees the light.” Talon, our club Prez, who I didn’t know was here witnessing this shit, muses as he pulls his woman to his side and strides toward the bar.

Gabriella pats him on his chest with mischief in her eyes. “I blame your mother and her meddling.” And another round of laughter ensues.

Chapter Three


“Even the best-laid plans always go to shit.”

Two weeks later…