Leaving the clubhouse, not for the first time since dragging my ass out of bed, have I wanted to do anything, but be doing what I’m doing. I’m not a pussy, but after the shit Veronica pulled, I’m not a masochist, either. I want to drink, smoke, and fuck with no attachments. My problems all started when the brothers in Vegas began pairing off. My mistake was saying, why the fuck not? I saw the appeal of having a woman who was only mine, someone to go home to every night, and who thought the moon and stars rose and fell because of me. I saw the hearts and shit in the ol’ ladies' eyes when they looked at my brothers. And I wanted that. And I thought I found it, and quickly my why the hell not turned into why the fuck ever? Never again.
The annoyance curls in the pit of my stomach as my resolve set in. I keep reminding myself that it is one date. One damn date, and I’ll make sure she understands that. I’m not a complete dick. I won’t do any foul shit, but I sure as shit not going to put on the charm. Which is why I rode my bike rather than drive my cage.
The way Dani has been fluttering around me and giving me advice and Nitro practically shoved money down my throat made me think this little experiment is for her benefit more than mine. Knowing what I know and have heard, men within a ten-mile radius keep their distance from Dalia.
“You gonna sit out there all night, or are you going to get off your ass and knock on my door like a gentleman?” I hear a voice, and my head snaps to a second-story window.
My eyes connect with the owner of the smooth, husky voice that’s like taking a shot of Tennessee whiskey after a long ride. Taking in what I can see of her. I don’t know how much time has passed, but I watch her watch me. I smirk when her eyes widen. And my smirk drops when I realize I fucked up. Nope, not fucking happening. One date, one damn date. That’s it. I hear a few feminine shouts, and the little spitfire breaks off to turn to speak to whoever is with her.
Letting out a sigh, this is fucking bad.
My chin hits my chest as my dick jumps in excitement. Fuck no. Don’t do it. Do not do it. Yes, I was expecting a Dani replica, not that brown-skinned beauty who has me harder than granite. Nope, she is nuts; she is from crazy town, USA. I’ve had enough crazy to last a lifetime. Veronica is all the reminder I should ever need. I jumped on that and have regretted it ever since. No permanent pussy for me. Just. Say. No.
Shit, three matching feminine voices break the internal conversation I’m having with my dick. And for fuck's sake. Why the hell didn’t anyone warn me? I mean, I saw her a few times at the club, but it was in passing, not this damn close. Not looking the way she does now. Shit.
My eyes take her in from head to toe. And my mother fucking dick, the traitor, gets harder. Fuck you, dude. You are not ruining my damn plan. My eyes leave her, trying to do anything but look at those luscious…
Not fucking happening.
She, Dani, and their youngest sister, Daria, stare at me expectantly. Triple shit. Slowly, I take the keys out of the ignition, pull my leg over, and stand to my full height while the three watch me. I fiddle with shit on my bike for a minute, adjusting shit in my saddlebags, making sure the bitch bar is secure. Anything to give me time to force my dick to deflate. I think of anything and everything, from hot onions and mayonnaise to rotting corpses. What does it, what has my dick deflating, is my mind going to Veronica and the shit she put me through. That’s when a plan forms, and I decide.
She’s Veronica.
I turn, and I smile as I take steps toward the sisters. I may not want this despite what my dick thinks, but I’m also not an asshole, so I’ll play nice. “Sorry, ladies, I was lost in thought,” I say. My eyes go to hers.
She is Veronica. I repeat over and over in my head.
“What was that?” Dalia says as she crosses her arms with a raised brow.
Shit, did I say that out loud? Shit.
“Oh no, I was saying I should have used some arnica. You know the flower. It helps with swelling and pain. Bum knee.” I pat my knee for added effect.
Dani and Daria giggle, but Dalia's eyes narrow as she turns away with a skeptical hmm and walks back toward the front door, which is still wide open. And that’s when I see it. Damn.
“You coming or what?” She yells over her shoulder.
Despite my reluctance, damn, do I want to cum all over those luscious… No, no cumming, not on her tits, not in her. No fucking where. I follow her despite the beast eyeing me, and when I pass Dani and Daria. I hear a loud sigh and giggle, which has me turning to catch their eyes on me, both with strange expressions. Dani is looking at me with hope, while Daria is looking at me like I’m about to lose a damn limb, and she feels sorry for my loss.
“You got this. And don’t fear the beast. Be a man. Show him who's boss.” Dani says.
Good luck.” Little D whispers with a giggle.
When I raise a brow at them both, they say nothing else. That’s when I take them in. Dani has her purse and keys in hand, and Daria has her bag slung over her shoulder and her eyes locked on whatever she finds so important on that damn phone that is welded to her hand. And I realize they are leaving. Shit. Guess I can’t use them for a buffer.
This is going to be a long damn night. I run my hand over my face as I watch them go.
“Men are assholes, the end.”