Page 86 of XOXO

“Is this why you’ve kept me on the eighth floor and not up here with the other senior partners?” I glare at Nigel. “So you can parade your sluts through here without me seeing them?”

“Excuse me?” Liza stands. “I’m not a slut,” she scoffs, pulling her skirt down.

“Oh please, you go down faster than cupcakes at a weight loss support group.” I snarl.

“Nigel.” She gasps, turning to him. “Are you going to do something about her?”

“Baby, you should go now.” He wraps his arm around her.

“Baby?” I scoff, folding my arms across my chest.

“Really?” She stomps her foot.

“Yes.” He kisses her forehead. “I have things to discuss with my employee.”

“Fine,” she huffs, grabbing her bag. “I’ll see you later, lover,” she says in a low, sensual tone.

I gag, watching them kiss while she rubs against him. The public display of affection is nauseating. His going along with it shows that he doesn’t care about my feelings.

Did he ever?

Watching her saunter towards the door, part of me wants to punch the smirk off her face. However, the lawyer part knows this bitch would sue me for everything I’m worth, and that asshole would represent her. Still, I could probably win a countersuit for emotional damages.

Decisions, decisions.

As she walks past me, rolling her eyes, the temptation of seeing blood spew from her nose is high. Another trait I inherited from my biological father. Nigel looks like he’s holding his breath, praying that one of us doesn’t do something to the other. As talented as a lawyer he thinks he is, I’m sure by now he realizes I’m a force to be reckoned with.

“You keep rolling your eyes, sweetie, and maybe you’ll find a brain somewhere up there.” I smack my lips.

“Shayla.” Nigel warns as Liza walks out of the office, shutting the door behind her.

“This could have been handled differently.” He sits in his chair.

“You’re damn right. You could have told me before I read about it, like everyone else.” I walk to his desk.

“I’m not too sure why you’re so worked up. It’s not like we were serious,” he says in a monotone voice while rolling his hand.

“Wait, what? Not serious?” I glare at him with my lips curled upwards. “What the hell have we been doing for the last four years? Because it looked pretty serious to me.” I slam my hands on his desk.

“Come on. We had fun flirting and you’re a ten in the sack, but other than that.” He shrugs.

My hands shake, hearing the words leave his mouth. Anger turns to rage. No one has ever made me feel so insignificant.

“Hate to break it to you, but we were more than some casual fling. You’ve accompanied me to family functions, and we vacation twice a year… together. Oh, and let’s not forget we have keys to each other’s place…”

“Yeah, I’m going to need to get those back, pronto.” He looks at me.

“The night before you left, you laid in my bed, professing your love. What the hell was that all about?” I lean on his desk with my palms face down.

“Liza is my soulmate. We’re getting married,” he blurts without looking at me. “It’s always been her.”

“Oh.” I exhale as shock sucks the air from my lungs.

Straightening up, I realize he never felt the same as me and the last four years were a waste of my time.

“Well then,” I clear my throat while smoothing the bottom of my blazer. “I wish you both the best of luck.”

Fighting my emotions, I quickly turn towards the door. The last thing I want to do is let this ass see me cry. With shaking hands, I reach for the doorknob. Pausing before I twist the handle, I turn back to him.