Page 194 of XOXO

Zila gifted everyone with handmade paper which had real flowers in it, along with new quills made of peacock feathers.

Asher had carved tiny weapons from basswood. I was going to prop mine next to the small wooden bear Ember got me last year.

Cinder baked everyone’s favorite flavor of cupcakes. Of course I ate two chocolate ones while Ember grabbed a basket, and started handing burlap bags out.

“These are from me. They’re filled with deer jerky. I killed the deer and Cinder helped me make it.”

“Hell yeah!” Cash hollered with excitement.

When Ember stopped at me, her basket was empty. “I didn’t get you jerky.”

“That’s okay, love. I don’t need a present.”

“I never said I didn’t get you a present.” She handed me a note that was wax sealed with the royal crest of my family.

My mind wondered what the letter could contain as I broke the seal and opened it.

You have been cordially invited to the unveiling of the new marble statue erected at Blackveil Castle in honor of Duchess Leona Serenity Grey.

My mother’s name being on the invitation sent my emotions into hyper drive.

“What is this?”

My gaze went to Ember who was smiling nervously.

“Your father, sister, and myself liked the idea of having a statue at your father’s castle in honor of your mother. The great grandson of the man who sculpted the marble statues in the king’s castle inherited the business. From my understanding, he’s just as good as his predecessors. We have yet to see it because we’re waiting until the unveiling, but your Uncle Lazul said he knew your mother and the resemblance is uncanny. The sculptor’s work definitely honors his family’s legacy.”

I was only ten years old when my mother died giving birth to my sibling who also didn’t survive. Ember was one of the few people I had opened up to about my feelings—ones I used to suppress.

The fact that she would honor not only me but my mother with such a beautiful gift, made me feel unworthy of the amount of love she had for me.

“Thank you, my hertis rote.” I quickly wiped away one small tear which managed to escape my eye before jumping up and getting everyone’s attention onto a new topic.

“The gifts I got everyone are a little different. Come with me.”

I took Ember’s hand and led her to the study. Our friends followed.

After unlocking both the doors, I dropped her hand and went to the first potted plant with a foot tall bush.

“This one’s for Cash. It’s a rose bush from your mother’s garden at the castle on Valmeyer. I figured we could plant it in the garden here so you and Cinder can visit it when you take your walks.”

Cash’s eyes were glazed with emotion as he headed toward me. He slapped a hand on my shoulder before yanking me into him with the strength of ten men. “Thank you, buddy.”

When he let go, I turned my attention to the next plant. “This one’s for Zila. It’s a mimosa tree sapling from Direbreak. I heard you say it’s both your and your mother’s favorite. I figured we could plant it near where you like to meditate, since they smell fantastic when blooming.”

“That is so very kind of you, Valarian.”

Zila pulled me in for a hug and I patted her back.

With a deep breath, I continued. “I know little about your family, Asher, but you’re always talking about walnuts and how much you love them, so I went to Ashbern and got a tree. You’ll have plenty of walnuts now. Well, once it’s big enough.”

Asher shook my hand. “Thanks, Val.”

I pointed to the next pot with a two foot tall plant. “This present is for Cali and Zayn. It’s an apple tree from the farm you grew up on. Every time you pick an apple you can think of your parents.”

Cali plowed into me with a big hug. “This is the most thoughtful gift. Thank you, V.”

As soon as Cali pulled away, Zayn grabbed me. “Thanks, buddy. I’ll share my apples with you.”