Page 193 of XOXO

The Snow Moon Festival of Love had finally arrived. Everyone was dressed in their fanciest attire when we arrived in Direbreak. The land of the Lycans was beautiful, covered in pine trees that had stayed green during the winter, the scent of them filling my lungs.

The air had a chill to it when we stepped off the portal, so we were ready to gale as close as possible to the town of Hallowshade.

One by one, each person galed away alone, except for Cinder who was in Cash’s arms, peering up at him like he was a god amongst men. “I can’t wait to give you your sweet treat when we get home.”

Cash grinned like the fool he was, reminding me that I was supposed to black his eye for snitching. “I have something sweet for you too, Cinnamon, but it’ll have to wait until we’re alone.”

“Oh, gross,” Ember said, before sliding her arms around me. “Gale us away before I hurl.”

Despite her ability to gale herself, Ember always made me do it, but having her in my arms was nothing less than perfection, so I never minded.

I slid my arms around her before galing us outside the wards of Hallowshade.

When we landed, Ember let go of me and slid her hand into mine.

After a short walk, we arrived at the festival. Twinkling lights lined the town’s streets and little heart shaped cutouts hung everywhere. The sounds of music and laughter filled the air as people danced in the middle of the town square.

Ember’s eyes sparkled with excitement. Her gaze darted from the food booths to the lights and stopped at the band. “Whoa. This is amazing! I’ve never been to a Snow Moon Festival this huge before. Is it always like this?”

“Since Flaik Luna is a Lycan holiday, we go all out,” Zila answered, wearing a prideful smile. “The party actually starts early in the morning, but most folks wait until the moon is about to appear before they come out.”

Ember tipped her head toward the sky. “That’s a very beautiful Snow Moon we are celebrating.”

Zila looked up, slowly releasing a deep breath. “When I was a young girl in school, the elders came for a story day. They spoke of Altaluna Anesa who was not only a goddess, but the Queen of the Moon. Legend says she had golden brown skin that was smoother than the finest silk and shiny black hair that fell in waves down her back, slightly brushing the ground when she walked. Her eyes were steel gray and sparkled like a thousand stars lived in them.”

“Wow,” Cinder whispered. “She sounds gorgeous.”

“Indeed she does,” Zila agreed. “She had the hearts of many men, but only one earned the right to have hers. Benedict Amaris. He was the Commander of the Queen’s Guard and after years of protecting her, they fell in love.”

“That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” Ember gushed.

Cali cleared her throat, sadness washing over her. “Just wait until she tells you the rest.”

“I was getting there, Cali.” Zila shook her head before continuing her story. “Legend says that a rival kingdom attacked her castle. Benedict led her guard like he always did, ready to protect the woman he loved and her kingdom. During the battle, the queen got word that Benedict suffered a severe injury and lay bleeding to death in the middle of the battlefield. Altaluna refused to let him die without her by his side. Multiple people tried to stop her, but you can’t stop a queen from doing what she wants, especially one in love.”

“Did he die?” Ember asked, before sniffing back tears.

“When she finally found him, she knelt by his side, taking his hand into hers. He whispered that he loved her and she whispered it back. Moments later, Benedict took his last breath and drifted away, still holding the queen’s hand. Another guard pulled on Altaluna’s arm, begging her to get off the battlefield. She wouldn’t budge. Multiple arrows flew toward them, one landing in the guard’s shoulder, the other in the queen’s chest. They say she never saw it coming. They both died under the Flaik Luna, which means “Snow Moon” in the old language. When the battle ended and the sun had risen, the remaining guards found Altaluna and Benedict still holding hands. It was love even in death, they say.”

“That’s such a sad story,” Cinder whispered. “Why would people celebrate that?”

“We don’t celebrate their death, we celebrate their love. Lots of people still worship the Queen of the Moon in hopes of returning to her upon death because they believe she will make sure they spend eternity with their mates. Over the years the day changed. People started paying tribute to Altaluna and Benedict’s love by honoring the ones we cherish in this realm. And that’s how the Snow Moon Festival of Love was created. It’s my favorite holiday.”

All the women and Asher wiped tears from their eyes. I looked away, making sure no one saw the ones that filled my eyes.

Zayn sniffed, then nodded his head toward the festival. “Let’s party.”

We strolled the cobblestone streets until we got to the section filled with food vendors where we each got hot cocoa and treats. After a while, we all piled onto the dance floor. We danced to every fast or slow song that played, and with Ember in my arms, I had completely forgotten to be nervous about the present I got her.

Once we arrived back at the manor, we all took seats at the dining room table and I hoped I hadn’t failed my mission.

Cali clapped her hands together with a squeal. “It’s time to exchange gifts now! I’ll go first!”

She excitedly handed everyone new bracelets she had woven from yarn she got from the land of the Angels.

Zayn passed out bottles of brandy infused with different flavors to match everyone’s taste.

Cash went next, giving us each a bag of fudge, and Cinder an entire new set of cast-iron pans, two sundresses, and wooden spoons.