He swallowed hard, staring at the floor now, not saying anything. She reached out to take his hand, but he didn’t react.
“You’re a king, Max. I’m… nothing.”
“No.” He looked at her, shaking his head with a sigh, releasing her hand to stand. “You don’t get to use that excuse anymore. It’s never been about that, has it? It’s been me. You don’t want me.”
“Are you joking?” She stood, stilling him as he paced in front of her. “I want you so much it hurts, Max.”
Incredulous eyes turned her way. “You do?”
“Of course I do! It’s so obvious.” She turned away, covering her face with her hands. “But you’re royalty, Max. I’m the furthest thing from that!”
“Why the hell does that matter, Cass? I’ve told you again and again, that means nothing here.”
“Yes it does!” She spun to glare at him.
He moved closer, taking her hand gently. “How much do you know about our history, Cass? About my mother? I thought you knew this entire time and you were holding back because you weren't ready. But is this really because of something as ridiculous as your place here?”
She shook her head, not knowing what he was talking about.
“I’ve been trying to get everyone to push you in the right direction, but they’ve clearly been slacking on the job. My mother worked in the kitchen with Viv before she was queen. Why do you think they’re so close?” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “Viv thinks it’s really funny that I’m taking longer to get you to fall for me than my father did with Mom.”
Cassandra had always known that the queen could be found in the kitchen, joking with Viv and cooking up a storm, but she’d never known why. “But–”
“No, Cass. Tell me the truth.” He cupped her face in his big palms, rubbing his thumbs against her cheeks gently. “Do you want this? Me? If the answer’s no, I’ll deal with it. But I’m not going to let you think that I’m better than you in any way ever.”
She gripped his wrists, swallowing hard. “You’ve never made me feel that way, Max. I just… I thought–”
The knock on the door made Maximus growl with frustration, but Cassandra hurried over to the door, opening it to show the frazzled Minister of Culture. “I’m sorry to bother you, Cass, but is the king ready? The parade should have started ten minutes ago.”
“Of course!” Jumping right into her role as his head-of-household, she turned to face Maximus, but the stubborn look on his face made her heart patter hard in her chest. “You have to go.”
“Not until we’re finished here.”
Cassandra knew that tone. He wouldn’t be budging one inch until she gave in. “Max, not now, okay? When you get back.”
Maximus narrowed his eyes, glaring at the minister. Terror crossed the poor man’s face, as though he’d just entered into a snake den. “I’ll wait outside.” The minister all but ran, not willing to get between them.
“We can finish this during the parade then.” Maximus was already walking toward her even as she shook her head. He didn’t bother arguing, reaching down and easily lifting her into his arms.
“You’re always talking about this place ridiculousness. So I’ll just show you where your place is.” He carried her down the stairs, passing everyone in the castle; who turned curious looks their way.
“Max,” she cried, covering her face. “This is crazy!”
He took her up the stairs of the red carriage that would ride through the streets along with their military, volunteers, and hundreds of bubbly children who would be taking part in their first parade. He settled her comfortably next to him, but when she tried to stand so she could leave, she found herself on his lap instead.
“Max!” She fought against his hold, but he just nuzzled her throat, moaning low as he did. When she stilled, she knew why. Her ass had been rubbing against his cock and she hadn’t even realized it. “Max.” This time his name was said in a quieter, more intimate tone.
“Your place is by my side.” The banked heat in his gaze along with his sweet words made tears clog in her throat. “Right beside me, at all times.”
She couldn’t look away from him, even as the carriage started moving. He ran his thick fingers through her hair, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her lips.
“I love you, Cass. So much.”
She couldn’t stop the sob as she wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing him tight. “I love you, too.”
They stayed like that for a long moment until Cassandra heard the screaming cheers in the background. She cautiously pulled away from her ogre to turn toward the massive crowds lined along the sides of the road. They were all happily cheering and waving madly at them.