His grin was immediate. "Ah. My female's jealous."
"I'm not jealous." Miffed, it was everything she could do to not lean forward and bite his strong pec, but that would have the opposite effect of what she was going for, aloof and confident. "And I'm also not your female." Even though the thought of being his sent shivers down her spine and butterflies in her stomach.
"So you've said," he sighed. He tilted her chin back so she was looking into his gorgeous, dark eyes. "You're the only one, Cass. The only female other than Viv and my mother that I spend any time with."
And she knew that. Jealousy must have made her temporarily lose her mind, because he made sure she was aware of every second of his schedule—mainly so he could try to bully her into joining him for his meetings and spending as much time with her as possible.
"I'm sorry." She shook her head, fighting useless tears—holding them back so he didn't have to see how ridiculous she was being. "I know that."
"Hey." He tightened his arms around her. "There's nothing to be sorry about. One day, when things are clearer between us, we'll grow beyond our insecurities. There won't be a reason for petty jealousies. This is early on. We can give ourselves a break."
"Clearer?" She swallowed hard, hope and fear both straining for prevalence in her chest.
"One day soon." The words were a murmur against her hair and she felt herself relaxing into him, focusing on them instead of everything else.
Chapter Six
"This isn't the birthday present I wanted," Maximus complained while he turned this way and that way in the mirror to admire the new blue beads that fit perfectly on the ends of his locs. "But I love them all the same."
"I'm also baking you a cake," Cassandra added, running her fingers along his hair, admiring how the beads shone in the light. He really was the handsomest male she's ever seen.
"I do love your cakes," he sighed, turning to face her. "But I also don't want to be by myself for the entire parade. I get bored." Another magnificent pout made its way onto his face and the rush of affection and love for him had her tugging on his robes until he lowered himself enough so she could press a kiss to his cheek. When he was close enough, she leaned forward, but misbalanced on the stool she'd stood on to put the beads in his hair. Instead of his cheek, her lips pressed against his own.
He didn't hesitate to kiss her back, one of his huge hands sweeping into her hair and tilting her face until he had a better angle. His other arm wrapped around her and kept her securely against him instead of tumbling to the floor from the stool.
When she felt the brush of his hot tongue against her lower lip, she couldn't do anything but part them for him to gain access. She wished she could part her legs the same way, but he was holding her too tight for that. Something nagged at the back of her mind but when she got her first real taste of him, she shoved it back, going absolutely feral for him instead.
Months of pretending—of acting like she didn't moan his name when she touched herself at night—had culminated in the hottest kiss of her life.
She arched against him, pressing her breasts firmly to his chest, and he groaned, the sound driving her even further over the edge. She’d always wondered how he’d kiss, and now she had her answer. He was fully focused on her—on this. Her heart was beating so hard and fast that she could hear it. Or was that something else?
As the lust-filled fog lifted from her brain, she heard firm knocking at the door. She struggled against him, trying to put some distance between them. His annoyed sigh when he pulled away and screamed, “Fuck off!” cheerfully at the door startled her, but he was kissing her again a second later. She cupped his face in her hands, feeling the strength of his jaw under her fingers.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” he murmured, running his tusks against her cheek and neck, marking her with his scent.
“Max.” She gripped his shoulders tight, the muscles there making her want to feel more of him. He growled, lifting her into his arms and taking her to the sofa as he ran his lips across her jaw.
He lay her down and followed her, covering her with his big body. The movement released her from the spell she’d been under. She didn’t want the real world to intrude but everything rushed back to her at once.
“Max.” His name was a moan, but it didn’t stop him, only seeming to spur him on. His hands were everywhere—cupping her breasts and unzipping her dress at the same time. She fought against her body to lightly shove at his chest.
“Cass?” His brow was furrowed as he peered down at her. “Too far? I’m sorry.”
She bit her lip, shaking her head and he relaxed, relief sweeping over his expression.
“Good. I’ll wait as long as you want me to. I got carried away.”
Her heart panged with love for him, but she felt trapped with her own actions. She’d kissed him. Her king. I’ve fucked up now.
“I’m sorry,” she shook her head, “I didn’t mean to–”
“Hey…” He cupped her cheek, beaming at her. “You didn’t do anything. It was all me. I just…” She watched his eyes lower shyly—something she never thought she’d see from him. “I didn’t think you’d pick today to kiss me.” He shook his head, hugging her tightly. “But it doesn’t matter. You chose me.”
“Max.” Her eyes were wide with horror as she looked at their reflection in the mirror. He was dressed in his formal regalia with his crown perched on his head—and she was wearing a simple uniform dress, her hair a complete mess. “I-I didn’t mean to kiss you.”
He stiffened, his arms that had previously been tight around her, releasing her quickly. “But…”
She shook her head, her hands covering her lips as she felt tears pooling in her eyes. “I’m so sorry.”