Page 113 of XOXO

“Did you figure out who was at your place?”

I sighed and shook my head as I picked up the straw from the table. He had already ordered my drink and I took a hefty drink.

“I’m just glad that I feel good. I’m not going to think too much on it.”

The waitress brought out a large plate filled with different fruits. I smiled wide and looked around.

“Why did you pick this place? This isn’t your usual type of place.”

He shrugged and grabbed a strawberry. “I don’t know. I wanted something different.”

“Yeah. This is definitely different.” I grabbed my fork and took a slice of an apple.

“I just wanted something sweet. You like the cake from here, right?”

“Ooh! Is this where you got the lemon cake from?”


“I think I’ll have that. I haven’t eaten all day though.”

“They have regular food too.”

He picked up a pineapple and I could feel my brow furrow. Pineapple… Why does that sound like something I should remember? I shrugged it off raised my hand to order. I was too hungry to think. Just being here with my best friend was enough for me.

Chapter 7


Ugh. I should be happy right now. I should be over the moon, but I’m not. I’m bummed. I had some of the best sex of my life and he turned out to be an emotional wreck. I was supposed to meet up with a couple people from work but I decided I needed to be alone. I didn’t want to deal with anyone lately. They would go on and on about their love life and I couldn’t stomach it. I picked the furthest place I felt anyone I knew would go to. This place has been on my radar for so long and I’ve always wanted to try their desserts. With the way I’m feeling, I needed all the sugar I could eat. The bell dinged as I opened the door and the scent of sweetness assaulted my nose. I closed my eyes and let the smell take over. When I opened my eyes, the hostess stood there smiling a knowing smile.

“Don’t worry. Happens all the time.”

I smile and follow her as she walks me to a table that held two chairs. It was tucked in a corner and I was glad because I didn’t want to be seen. I’d rather people watch. A waitress comes and hands me a menu and I look it over as she walks away. As I get ready to order, I make eye contact and smile. She walks back over and I hand her the menu and order a cup of coffee and a slice of carrot cake. As she walks away, I look around and my eyes land on the man that led me here today. Jackson. His face looks totally different from when I saw him last. He was smiling and laughing brightly and he had a sense of freeness coming from him. He was beautiful. I felt my cheeks raise as I smiled with him and quickly shook my head to come to back to myself. What the hell? I’m supposed to be in my feelings. I thought I never wanted to see him again. His friend reached across the table and jokingly hit him on the side of his head and they laughed. Their hearty laughter carried across the entire place and this time I didn’t stop my smile from forming. His friends’ eyes cut slowly over and met mine. I quickly looked away. Dammit. I hope he doesn’t recognize me. When I chanced a look, they were back to talking and I breathed a sigh of relief. The waitress came over with my cake and coffee and I was grateful to have something to focus on. I took my time and savored the cake and listened to the chatter around the room. It was comfortable and although, I came here to escape last night, I was glad that I saw him laughing. Seeing and hearing him cry did something to me. On one hand, I wanted to run away as fast as I could, but on the other, I wanted to hold him and comfort him. My head tilted up as a shadow crept up to my table.

“Pineapple Dream.”

The voice had me closing my eyes and a shiver run down me. That voice was one that whispered in my ear the night before. My eyes snapped up to his and my heart skipped a beat. The half-smile on his lips made my breath hitch.

“Y-You remember me?” I asked softly.

He shrugged and placed his hands in his pockets which caused my eyes to look at the crotch of his pants. My heart beat faster as I thought back to the way he filled my body. A throat clearing had my eyes snapping back to his face and his smile was even bigger.

“It took me a minute but… Yes, I remember. Do you mind if I sit?”

My head shook no before I could think and I sat up straighter in my seat as he pulled the chair out across from me.

“I’m sorry.” He started. “I let you leave me.” I couldn’t speak. I could only give him an awkward smile. “If I did anything to you that made you uncomfortable, I apologize.”

“Like crying?” I mumbled.

His eyebrows rose. “Crying? Me?”

“You don’t remember?”

His brows scrunched together in deep thought and he shook his head. “I don’t.” His shoulders dropped. “Aw man… That’s embarrassing.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s in the past.”