“You don’t even know my name yet.” I laughed and placed my hand out to him. “I’m Pine.”
“Pine? What a unique name. Does it mean something?”
“Yeah. My mom was in love with fruit.” I tell him dryly. “It’s short for Pineapple. Pineapple Dream Scott.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I wish I were. I wanted to get it changed after high school but never did.”
“I love it.”
The way he looked at me and kissed the back of my hand when we shook made me feel something I hadn’t felt in a long time. When he asked me to go back to his place, I said yes without any hesitation.
Now, I’m looking at this man that didn’t even remember my name. I nodded once. “I’m okay. When you remember what happened yesterday, call me. My numbers in your phone… Jackson.” I sneered out his name at the end to let him know that I still remembered him. I turned on my heel and slammed the door closed behind me. I had the best sex of my life last night and it was ruined by an idiot who cries after sex. I quickly called a rideshare to my location and couldn’t wait to get home to shower. This day needed to come off me fast.
Chapter 5
Ugh…My head is throbbing and my dick is swollen. My hand absently cups my junk as I try to remember what happened last night. I sit up in the bed and realize I’m completely naked. I look around the room nervously waiting for someone to jump from the shadows. I close my eyes as bursts of rapid visions play through my mind. Brown skin under my fingertips. Soft moans and nails in my back. What the fuck happened last night? I hurry out the bed and try to shake these thoughts from my mind. I turn on the spray in the shower and my body shivers as the cold water hits it before it starts to heat up. As the water cascades down my face my eyes close and another
vision hits me hard. A beautiful body moving up and down on my lap as my mouth covers her breast. Her hand grips my hair as my hands help lift her up and down. My mouth lets her go and my eyes are moving up her chest to her face. I can almost see her and my knees go weak and my eyes pop open as I catch myself against the glass. Why can’t I see her face? I let out a calm sigh. Whoever she is, I can still feel her tightness around me and I know for a fact it wasn’t a dream. I hurry and wash and turn of the water. My phone is ringing from the bedroom and I jog over to catch it before it hangs up. I smile at the profile picture I have set up for Tin. We were at a college party and he had just participated in a watermelon eating contest and his whole face was red. He would never live that night down. I slide the bar over and answer.
“Sup, Tin.”
“Dude. Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” I say confused. “Why?”
“You left me last night with that chick and wouldn’t let me come with you. I tried to call you last night but you didn’t answer.”
I barked a laugh. “Why didn’t you just come over and check on me if you were that nervous?”
“You threatened me bodily harm if I followed you! I can’t deal with you when you’re drunk.”
“Whatever. I’m good.” I paused for a moment. Um. You don’t happen to remember her name, do you?”
“Oh shit! No way!” His laugh was so loud, I had to pull the phone from my ear. “The one time you leave with a girl and you don’t remember her!”
“What are the chances, huh?”
“Yeah, that’s rich. You still want to grab dinner later?”
“Sure. I’ll stop by the bank first and I’ll call you later.”
After hanging up, I smile to myself. Although I don’t remember much of last night, I’m grateful. This was the first time I didn’t think about my ex when I first woke up. Maybe I do need to move on.
Chapter 6
The sky was clear when I walked out to my car to meet Tin. I noticed the stars for the first time in a long time. The song I was whistling caught me off guard. When did I start whistling? I felt freer for some reason and I liked this feeling. The roads were surprisingly free of traffic as I made my way to the restaurant. It’s been a whole month since Tin has been taking me out to eat to try and clear my mind. At first, I was aggravated by his constant nagging but now I’ve been looking forward to these days out. I found Tin sitting at a booth in the back and he raised a hand as soon as I walked in. I smiled and made my way over. I slid in the other side with a smile on my face.
“You look happy.” He smiled back.
“I am.”