Abby marched forward into the circle on a mission to be heard. “You lowlife, thieving heartbreaker. You ruined me for anyone else, and now you’re going to pay for what you’ve done!”

Chapter Fifteen

The gigantic fake smile Zane had plastered in place to appease the crowd wanting him to allow two women to kiss him for a photographic opportunity, suddenly shifted into a shocked frown the moment he laid eyes on Abigail.

He watched as she eyed both woman attached to him on either side with a decidedly angry frown. She then broke through the assembled crowd and stepped into what Zane called his own personal circle of Hell. Then she started calling him names. Again.

A delighted grin quickly replaced what must have been a scowl. He didn’t even hear exactly what she said, but he was so fucking glad to see her that he didn’t think, he just started moving toward her.

The amateur photographer holding the cell phone set to take the picture frowned as Zane eagerly stepped away from the two women who’d managed to brush a light kiss his cheeks before he moved toward his love.

Zane didn’t know if they’d gotten the photo memory they wanted, and he didn’t much care. His girl was here, and she didn’t look happy to see him with other women. So he’d cease any further contact with the opposite sex. No problem.

He hadn’t wanted to take the picture in the first damn place, but after the kiss with Abigail in the jail cell a couple of weeks ago that set a precedent, he’d been asked several times in the past couple of weeks to pose. Complaining to Kendall hadn’t helped either. Kendall told him it was the price he paid for breaking the rules in the first place.

“What exactly did I do to you, ma’am?”

Zane saw the tears welling up in her eyes and took her into his arms. Having her seductive body pushed into him, felt perfect and right, and he wasn’t planning to let her go anytime soon.

“You made me fall in love with you.” She pressed her face into his shirt. The crowd lingered and whispers started. Did anyone recognize her? Zane still didn’t care.

He slipped his arms around her back to lock her in place. He was not letting her get away before they had discussed a future. “Did I?”

“Yes.” She tilted her head back and gazed deeply into his eyes. “But I was foolish.”

“How so?” She gripped the front of his shirt as if to keep him from getting away. He wasn’t going anywhere. He also wasn’t letting her out of his sight until she understood how miserable he and Cooper had been for the past two weeks.

“I let you get away before telling you how I felt.”

“Is that why you’re here calling me names again?”


“No?” Zane pressed her tighter in his embrace. “Why are you here then?”

She leaned forward, closer to his mouth, and said in a low tone, “Because I love you and I thought you should know.”

“Tomorrow is my day off,” Zane said.

“What?” Her eyes narrowed. “And why is that relevant in this particular moment? I have to tell you that wasn’t exactly the response I was expecting.”

He leaned in and whispered, “I love you, Abigail. I should have told you before letting you drive away the last time.”

“I’m sorry I left you before.”

“Just so you know, we planned a road trip for early tomorrow to come and find you. Cooper decided we had given you enough time and space to sort out getting back to your job. Additionally, long distance or not, we want back into your life. And we were about to come and demand that you let us back in.” He pulled back to see her reaction to his declaration.

The glimmer of a smile shaped one corner of her luscious mouth. “Demand?” Her fists tightened, bunching his shirt. Her mouth inched closer to his lips. Technically, he wasn’t supposed to kiss any customers on the mouth in broad daylight in the middle of Main Street at Old West Town, but he couldn’t resist. He wanted her. He’d missed her. Location wasn’t currently very important to his ultimate desires.

Her fingers were probably putting permanent wrinkles in his favorite work shirt, but he didn’t care. He said quickly, “All right then, ask. The correct term is we planned to use was to ask you if we could enter your life again.”