Abigail pressed her lips to his gently. He wasn’t in the mood for gentle. He thrust his tongue inside her mouth for a solid taste.

Nervous laughter spread around the crowd surrounding them. Zane didn’t care about anyone watching. He wanted to spend the whole day right here in Abigail’s arms, kissing her to his heart’s delight.

Several loud rounds of gunfire erupting at the end of the street finally broke the juicy kiss. Abigail looked surprised. She turned in the direction of the noise.

Zane swore under his breath and stepped away from her, loosening her fingers from his shirt.

“Sorry, honey. I’m late. I gotta go fight some crime.” He dropped a kiss on her cheek and whispered, “But I’ll wrap this up as quickly as I can. Meet me at the saloon.”

“I will.”

He raced toward the end of the dusty street to play his part as the brave lawman thwarting the daily bank robbery, his heart beating like a spastic firecracker in his chest from the kiss with Abigail. He couldn’t wipe the silly grin off of his face to make a credible stern-faced lawman taking down criminals in the streets of the old west, but once more he just didn’t care.

* * * *

Cooper wiped the bar counter with quiet efficiency and considered the trip he and Zane planned for tomorrow. A thousand thoughts ran through his head at what might happen once they found Abigail.

He heard someone enter the saloon’s swinging doors but didn’t look up right away. Instead he grabbed a napkin and readied himself to serve another guest.

“This place looks very different when there are other people moving about.”

Cooper dropped the napkin at his feet when Abigail’s voice registered in his brain. He looked up, stunned that she was here.

She smiled and seated herself on a stool right in front of him. “I’d like a whiskey, please.” She glanced around the bar area at the others present. It had been a slow quiet day, but suddenly there were far too many people around.

The memory of the last time they’d been in here together slammed into his mind. Not far from where she sat, he’d fucked her against the bar at his own saloon. They’d nearly gotten caught, too. And that just made the memory more vividly stirring. His cock stirred in his pants, making Cooper glad he was behind the bar.

His hands moved to fill her drink order as if a mechanical being had taken over his body. He barely registered his own movements as he grabbed another napkin and put her whiskey down on the bar.

“What brings you to our town?” he asked, also mechanically because he said that very line to lots of patrons during the course of the day.

“Love,” she said and took a healthy drink.

Cooper’s heart stuttered in his chest. “What?”

She smiled. “That’s what brought me to your town.”

“I see.” But he was so taken aback by seeing her when he didn’t expect to, Cooper didn’t really see anything. He was blinded by his own love for her. He wanted to leap over the counter and re-create a memory, but clamped his fingers onto the edge of the bar to steady himself.

“You look so tense.” Abigail leaned forward, and a rush of her scent swirled around his head. He hadn’t realized the extent of his longing until she was right before him. It was all he could do not to attack her where she sat and then promptly drag her back to their home to do it again.

She whispered, “If I get behind the counter and suck your cock, will that make you feel less uptight?”

His cock snapped to attention like a good soldier ready to fight. “Fuck, don’t say things like that,” he whispered. “And yes that would make me feel less uptight, by the way.”

She leaned in closer. Cooper was compelled to move in as well. Five more inches and he could kiss her on the mouth like he wanted to.

“I wanted you to know that I love you.”

Cooper closed the distance and pressed his lips to hers very briefly, before he said, “I love you, too. I’m so glad you’re here.” He glanced around to see if anyone had seen him kissing her but didn’t see anyone taking particular notice of them. He forced himself to back away inches to keep from making a spectacle. “I’d like to kiss you senseless, but there are strict rules in place. Trust me when I tell you, I want you with every beat of my heart.”