Zane smiled. “Thanks again, Duke.”

“Sure thing. Good luck.”

He grabbed the paperwork and headed out the door. If Zane didn’t want to spend any time in the Enclave sheriff’s law enforcement office with an old friend, he most certainly didn’t want to go out of town and experience the Miser justice system.

Last time he’d waited outside while Cooper handled everything. The good news being that no one knew of their very intimate connection. But just in case, instead of going to the Miser prosecutor’s office, he called them.

Seated in his truck, Zane dialed information for the number of the Miser prosecutor. It was forwarded straight through.

Zane started. “My name is Zane Washburn. I understand you’re looking for me. At least that’s what the subpoena I’m holding says.”

“Yes. Mr. Washburn. I was hoping we could speak. I have a few questions for you regarding a matter I understand you’re already aware of.”

“What matter is that?”

“The one involving Abigail Dixon. The one where she called you a number of slanderous names in a public setting once she discovered your whereabouts in conjunction with another matter involving her work place.”

Zane’s eyes squeezed shut, remembering the first time he’d gazed into Abigail’s fiery eyes. Perhaps the prosecution in Miser knew more than he was prepared to talk about. Fuck. He should have waited to talk to Cooper.

Trying to take a little wind out of the prosecutor’s sails, he said quietly, “Yes. Well, I’m sure she didn’t mean anything. We’ve resolved our differences over that incident.”

“I see. In that case we’re left with the matter of your name being used to apply for a rather sizable loan at the First National Savings and Loan in Miser.” The prosecutor sounded sure of himself. Like the day in court was already assured even though it wasn’t due to happen for nearly two weeks.

“I’ve got a lawyer looking into that for me. I can assure you, I had nothing to do with it.”

“I’m certain you didn’t. Is this by any chance the same lawyer who posted the rather sizeable bond for Ms. Dixon’s release?”

Zane squeezed his phone tighter. He really should have waited to discuss things with Cooper before making this call. “Who bailed her out?” he asked quickly, trying to stall and not reveal anything he shouldn’t.

There was a long pause. “Excuse me, someone here was speaking to me on another matter. Bottom line, Mr. Washburn, I’d like to know if I can count on you as a witness for the prosecution.”

“I’m not sure what that means.”

“I wish only for you to tell the truth regarding the statements made by Ms. Dixon to you this past week.” He rattled off the date that Abigail had accosted him in the streets in front of the sheriff’s office at Old West Town.

“So you just want the truth from me?” Zane once more answered with another question.

“Indeed, I do.”

“Will you be charging me with a crime, sir?”

“No. Not at all, Mr. Washburn. Do you swear to tell the truth when I put you on the stand?”

“Of course.” What the fuck?

“Then that’s all I need. See you in court.” The line went dead in his ear.

Zane would naturally have to tell Cooper about this possibly unwise phone call. Cooper would hit the roof and tell him he should never have made it. The next decision had to do with leaving Cooper out of this mess. Obviously, the bail for Abigail and who paid it was public. That was how the prosecutor knew about it. Perhaps they needed to deal with someone they didn’t expect to see coming.

Would Cooper need to know if Zane made a few arrangements on his own? Zane pondered his options carefully and decided to make one more phone call. Perhaps it would come to nothing. Perhaps it wouldn’t help. But he was compelled to do something.

Digging a slip of paper out of his wallet, he dialed the number Kendall’s wife, Jocelyn, had provided after not being able to find out any information on the bank’s case against Abigail.

He hoped Cooper didn’t think of this as a maverick move. If he told him.

A deep voice in his ear said, “Yes?”