“Hey, this is Zane Washburn. I’m looking for Clayton Forrester.”

“This is Clay.”

“I got your number from a friend of mine. Her name is Jocelyn.”

“Right. Jocelyn. She mentioned you might call. What can I do to help you, Zane?”

“First of all, I need to find all the information I can get on a woman named Abigail Dixon. Then I need to know what happened to the funds from a certain half-million-dollar fraudulent loan application that unfortunately has my name on it and also Ms. Dixon’s signature. Both of which were forged.”

“Jocelyn and I discussed that very matter recently.”

“And your conclusion?”

“Unfortunately, the information for this matter is not easily accessible.” Zane knew that meant it wasn’t legal to obtain.

“Can’t you act on my behalf since my name is forged on the papers?”

“Possibly, but it’s a private loan, until a complaint is filed against you, it remains private. Are they going to come after you for it?”

“They told me they weren’t, but I’d like to discuss all of my options with regard to the loan, along with a few other issues.”

“What other issues?”

Zane explained the situation and what he thought needed to happen. Clay offered him lots of possible ways to go. He listened to everything Clay said. He pondered his choices for only a few minutes, and then gave Clay detailed instructions, hoping he’d done the right thing, and hoping Cooper wouldn’t kill him.

Chapter Twelve

Cooper was going to kill him. Zane waited until he was cock deep in Abigail before saying, “By the way, I called Clay to help with the pending court case.” Zane managed to wait a whole week before casually mentioning this unexpected phone call.

“What the hell?”

“Who’s Clay?” Abigail asked between panting breaths.

“A friend.” He gave Zane a death stare. Zane lifted one shoulder and had the decency to look a bit self-conscious.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this before now.” He looked at Abigail. Dazed and panting, she glanced at him over her shoulder. Cooper looked back at Zane. “And your timing is impeccable as usual.”

Cooper still had his cock inserted deliciously all the way inside Abigail’s tight, slick pussy. She was also partially bent forward and pressed against the bar in his saloon, seconds after screaming in delight. Her pussy still tightened on his cock rhythmically.

“I didn’t want you to kill me, so I waited for a moment where you wouldn’t try to. Go ahead finish what you’re doing.”

He thrust his still unsatisfied cock deeper into Abigail’s pussy, unable to decide whether to finish fucking her or to pull out and focus his intention on chasing Zane down to pop him one in the head for going off on his own without at least a discussion.

Her pussy kept squeezing his cock with delicious pressure. He wanted her. Had pictured this moment too many times in the last week not to take full advantage and enjoy it. Centering his focus on his current surroundings, in the saloon, after-hours, Abigail half-naked, recently satisfied, and pressed up against the wooden counter of his bar, Cooper made his choice.

He withdrew part way and then slammed his cock hard inside Abigail once more. Fucking was better than chasing. He chose Abigail.

“We’ll discuss this later in great detail.”

“Excellent. Proceed.” Zane currently watched the show from a chair in the main part of the saloon. He was also supposed to be watching for anyone coming, but Cooper didn’t actually care if anyone caught them. Kendall’s head would explode if he found out, but as Cooper reassessed his present position, he didn’t care if Kendall caught them or if an explosion resulted.

Cooper cleared his mind. He reached a hand around to one of Abigail’s dangling breasts and pressed his palm against her soft flesh. Superb.

He pulled his cock out halfway and then slammed inside her once more. She’d told him how much she loved hard, fast and deep. He tried to accommodate her whenever he could, which had been just about every night since she’d moved in.

Pressing a kiss to the back of her neck, Cooper then breathed in the sweet scent of her and continued fucking her as if he hadn’t been interrupted.