When he felt her tongue breach his lips, his head was too busy swimming in pleasure to realize they weren’t alone anymore. He heard someone clear their throat.

“What the hell are you doing, Cooper?” came Duke’s voice from the doorway.

He broke the kiss he shouldn’t have allowed but had truly enjoyed. “My client and I are trying to have a private discussion, but we keep getting interrupted.” Cooper could certainly understand why his friend was so out of his head for this woman. He was out of his mind with pleasure from a single kiss. Zane was right about one thing. This woman had some sort of mystical powers over his good sense. He wanted her, too.

The moment she kissed him, he should have stopped her. Or had he kissed her first? He couldn’t be sure. Either way, he should make some effort to stop them now.

But when she pressed him against the wall and ground herself over his growing cock, he lost any ability to think clearly beyond fucking her against the jail cell bars until she screamed his name in climax over and over.

At least until he heard Duke enter the hall outside the call and clear his throat. He backed her away from his rigid body by half a step. She still stood in front of him, looking a little bit dazed from their impromptu kiss.

“Did you need something, Duke?” he asked as if licking the tonsils of his new client wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.

“No. I guess not.” Hands resting on his hips casually, Duke had a clearly understood expression. “Will you be representing Ms. Dixon for her pending hearing out of town?”

“Possibly. Some reason you need to know that?”

He grinned. “Just didn’t realize you were practicing law any longer.”

“It’s more on a case-by-case basis. This case interested me. Either way I intend to accompany her to Miser tomorrow.”

“Uh-huh. Did I just see Zane out in the parking lot?” Duke pointed a thumb over one shoulder in the direction of the front of the sheriff’s office.

Cooper nodded. “Probably. He’s waiting for me to drive him home.”

“Higgins said he came inside the jail cell here as your assistant.”


“So…I never expected to see him in here, that’s all. In fact, I was shocked as shit to see him in the parking lot.” Duke’s focus went to Abigail.

Cooper understood Duke’s interest. He was part owner in the Old West Town amusement park and participated in the ménage lifestyle therein. He couldn’t be surprised at their interest in Abigail.

“Zane is perpetually a surprise to me, as well. Do you need anything else?” Cooper wanted Duke gone.

“Right. Well, I stopped inside to check on Ms. Dixon.”

“Well, as you can see. She’s fine.” Cooper nodded. “My client and I need privacy.”

“Is that so?” Duke turned to her. “Ma’am, are you doing okay in there? Do you need me to do anything for you?”

“No. I’m fine, thank you, Sheriff.” She kept her body close to his, but not touching.

Duke sent a penetrating gaze Cooper’s way. “I’ll be right out here in the office if you need me. Call out when you’re ready to go.” Duke moved out of sight but started whistling loudly, likely to ensure Cooper knew he was still close by in case he totally lost his mind and fucked her on the bench against the jail cell wall.


He grabbed her wrists, gaining her immediate attention. “I sincerely apologize for my inappropriate actions. I promise it won’t happen again until we’re assured I’m not your counsel.”

She looked surprised at first. “Well, I’m not sorry it happened. Not at all. It was nice. I think I needed it. It’s been a rather challenging day.”

“I know it has. Try to relax. We’re here to help.” He ran a finger softly down her face, catching the edge of a tear.

“I’m grateful to have someone in my corner for a change. Having two men willing to come to my rescue is the best. Even if you came here from a very unorthodox place.” Her eyes filled with unshed tears.

“I understand. It’s all going to work out.”

“I hope so.” She nodded and took a deep breath. “One more thing. I likely won’t be able to pay the bail. I certainly don’t have enough collateral for a bail bondsman. Especially if it’s any amount over a thousand dollars.”