“I don’t have any bail set. Not until tomorrow. I’m being sent back home first thing tomorrow morning for my arraignment hearing in Miser.”

“Right. I know. Zane mentioned it. Plus, I read a few of the details when I saw the complaint against you three seconds before I stepped into this jail cell.” Cooper decided to change the subject. “Do you have enough to cover your own bail?”

She paused for a count of three, then admitted, “No. Probably not. How much do you think it will be?”

“Hard to say, but I wouldn’t expect it to be more than fifty thousand.”

She sucked in an audible breath. “Fifty thousand! As in dollars?”

“Possibly. Yes. Maybe less. Depends on the judge and how much they want to ensure you show up for court.”

She put a palm to her forehead. “With my current luck it will be even more, and it doesn’t matter because I don’t have that much anyway.”

“I can help you with that.”

She turned to him once more. Her hands dropped to her lap. “Why would you do that?”

“Zane asked me to.”

“So are you a high-priced lawyer? Because I can’t pay you very much either.”

“I used to be a high-priced lawyer. Since Zane asked me here, I’ll do this pro bono.”

She shook her head with an expression that said she didn’t have the energy to argue about it. “Are you willing to go with me to Miser, or do I need to find a new lawyer tomorrow?”

“Actually, it would probably be best for you to find a new lawyer.”

She asked, “Why?” But Cooper figured she already knew. The sexual tension between them was thick enough to carve with a knife.

“You know why.” He leaned forward. “Listen, I’m your lawyer, if you want me. If not, I’ll still help you tomorrow or I can chat with your public defender before you come before the judge if you want me to. But Zane is my best friend and you need to understand that. I swear to you that if I end up as your lawyer, I’ll never compromise our attorney-client privilege. I’ll defend you to the best of my ability. However, I can’t pretend that I don’t have additional motives beyond the scope of our relationship.”

“Thank you for being so candid.” She looked down at the floor between them as if to ponder her options.

He leaned forward, his mouth lined up with her sensitive ear. “What did Zane whisper in your ear right before he left?”

Her cheeks pinked up as she seemed to register the breath from his words.

“He’s drunk,” she said quietly.

“Not that drunk.”

A smile formed on her lips. “He said he brought you along to ‘spring me’ so that I’d be free to go to his place. Apparently, he wants to share me with you.” Her eyebrow went up in question.

“That’s the exact reason why I shouldn’t be your lawyer, because I want that, too.”

“Are you drunk?”

He shook his head slightly. “Sober as a judge.”

“You said that already.” Her lips parted in a most delicious way.

“And I meant it.”

She traced her tongue along her upper lip and whispered, “But you want to share me with Zane.”

“In the worst way.” He moved even closer.

The tip of her tongue slipped out to lick her bottom lip this time. She asked, “Do you want to kiss me?”

“Yes. Most definitely. And yet we shouldn’t. At least not yet.”

Cooper backed off a bit, and then he stood up to fortify his resolve not to kiss her. Tomorrow. He repeated it to himself again. Tomorrow. He’d go with her to the arraignment in Miser, but not as her lawyer. They’d assign her someone from the public defender’s office.

Afterward, Cooper would promptly post her bail, and then he’d kiss her. He pictured it. In the parking lot of the justice department in Miser, he’d swoop her into his arms and kiss her in such a way that she’d understand his intentions. And Zane’s.

Apparently she didn’t want to wait. He didn’t hear her stand up, but suddenly he felt her body press to his side. Her hand landed on his shoulder.

As he regretfully moved an arm’s length away from her toward the wall, Abigail suddenly closed the distance, lifted up onto her toes, and their mouths connected. His cock thickened immediately. She had to feel his reaction as she pressed closer, but this didn’t slow her actions. In fact, her hips pressed into him harder. Right or wrong, he didn’t ever want to let go of this woman.