She needed to realize that life wasn’t fair. It would never be fair, and putting her time, effort, and soul into a place that would never appreciate or accept her was the very definition of insanity.

The trick, as she saw it now, was to choose to leave. Just give her notice, go out the door, and never look back.

She would make an appointment with Garrett Campbell, the man who’d sent her the letter for a job at the Enclave bank, and gratefully accept his employment. Even if she had to start out as a cashier and work her way back up to loan officer, it would be worth it.

From across the room, and even muffled by being in the depths of her purse, Abby heard her phone started ringing. She climbed over Zane, who kissed her shoulder on the way by, to bound out of bed and dig through her purse, barely answering her cell before it went to voice mail.

“Yes. Hello.”

“Hey, this is Jack Gallagher. Sorry to call so early, but I have some news you might be interested in.”

Abby nodded, then realized he couldn’t see her and managed, “Okay. What news?”

“Are you awake?”

“Not really.”

“Want me to call back?”

“No. The words you tell me will eventually sink in, it might just take a bit of time.”

“Okay. I have a client who’s been in the process of buying a bank in Enclave. I’ve been helping him with the paperwork.”

Abby’s eyes popped open. Her brain engaged. “Is your client Garrett Campbell?”

There was a pause. “Yes it is. And here I thought you weren’t awake.”

“He sent me a letter recently asking if I’d be interested in working for him at a Bank in Enclave. I was going to take him up on his offer whenever the bank opened. Were you the one who recommended me?”

“Perhaps, but that’s not what I wanted to tell you.”

“So what you wanted to say is…but wait, there’s more.” She laughed.

The knowledge of where Garrett Campbell knew her from made the letter he’d sent even more important. She’d planned to take his job offer even if he was a troll, because he couldn’t be worse than where she’d come from. Now she felt like she had half a chance to succeed without the drama of her past getting in the way. Win. Win.

In a very amused-sounding voice Jack said, “You’re very funny for so early in the morning. But the information I have has to do with the FDIC taking over the bank you currently work at.”

Abby’s eyes popped wide open. “No way.” She’d been crouched over her purse on the floor but stood up and exited the bedroom. The way this conversation was going, she felt a squeal of joy coming and didn’t want to wake her two sleeping men.

“Yes way. My client has been offered the chance to take Miser’s bank over as his bank purchase process is nearly complete. He’s agreed, but only if you will stay on.”

“Me? Really?”

“During the investigation of the fraudulent bank loan with your forged name, they dug deeper and discovered other shall we say ‘disturbing issues,’ so the FDIC came in this morning to facilitate the changeover.”

“What about Mr. Stevenson?”

“He’s out.”

“Out? As in completely and forever?”

He laughed. “Yes. So, if you’d like to be present today, come to my office and we’ll go over together. How soon can you get here?”

Abby glanced at the grandfather clock at the end of the hall. “I’m in Enclave right now, so I need at least two hours, two and a half if you want me showered with clothes on.”

“Off the record, I don’t care if you’re showered or clothed, but to make a good impression on your new boss, why don’t we make it three hours and then you don’t have to rush. Deal?”

“It’s a deal. And Jack, I want to thank you so much for your faith in me.”

“Abigail. It has truly been my pleasure. I can’t think of a more deserving person. I’m glad to see justice prevail in this case. The bank in Miser needs new leadership. I’m delighted to support you. And now you have two hours and fifty five minutes left. I’ll see you soon. Drive safe.”

Abby hung up and allowed herself a thirty second dance of joy including loud squealing and big arm movements.