She smiled. “It was that baseball card we discussed. The one that went up for auction and got two hundred thousand dollars. He ‘borrowed,’ as he called it, the half a million because he wasn’t certain how high the bidding would go and he wanted to be prepared.” She rolled her eyes, shaking her head as if completely disgusted over his actions.

“But now you’ve been completely vindicated, right?”

“One would think so. But it hasn’t been a picnic for me at work. After all this came out a week ago, and Preston was whisked away to the minimum security facility for the jokingly short sentence of six months, I thought my circumstances at work would improve. But they haven’t. In fact, it’s gotten worse.

“And while I feel like if I leave and spare myself the agony of daily humiliation, that somehow I’m letting them win for treating me so poorly and then driving me away to boot. It’s what they want, and I’m not ready to give them what they want.”

Cooper wanted to find the bank manager, Mr. Stevenson, and punch him in the nuts for being so mean to her, but likely that was the wrong way to be productive.

“You have to decide if it’s more important to beat them by staying or if you’ve found something better to devote your energy to. Like us.” Zane sipped his water, glancing at Cooper for his thoughts on the matter.

“I agree with Zane.” Cooper leaned closer to her. He wouldn’t kiss her, but he really loved the way she smelled. He already pictured her in the playroom, naked, wet, and screaming in pleasure as he pressed his cock inside her slick pussy.

“Not surprising.”

“Bottom line, what would it take to make you feel good about quitting your job and moving here?”

She looked up at him, then turned her focus to Zane for a few seconds. “For starters, I need to feel like I have a solid future with the two of you,” she said in a low tone.

He and Zane shared a knowing gaze for a moment. They wanted her forever but wanted to talk to her in private to discuss their future.

Zane slid off of his barstool, put his arm around her shoulders, and kissed her cheek. “We both have to work this afternoon. Why don’t you enjoy the town? I’ll be shooting at bank robbers in another couple of hours. There’s lots to see. Then tonight, when the park closes, we’ll take you back to our house and show you not only how much we missed you, but how much we want a future with you.”

Cooper smiled. “Shouldn’t take more than four or five climaxes, right, Zane?”

“Right,” he responded without missing a beat.

She laughed. “I’m looking forward to spending the evening with you both.”

Cooper lifted her hand and kissed her fingertips. “Meet back here fifteen minutes before the park closes. We’ll take you to our home using the secret passage.”

Her eyes widened. “The first time you ever brought me to your house I was asleep. I can’t wait to travel along the secret passage, and I promise to stay awake this time.”

Cooper couldn’t wait either, and he had no doubt that he could keep her awake all night long.

* * * *

Abigail stretched as she woke slowly. Cooper and Zane had effectively wedged her between them during the night and currently she couldn’t move very far. Maybe she didn’t want to. There was nothing like several rounds of hot monkey sex all night long to pull her spirits back up where they belonged.

After a ride in a golf cart, of all things, down below in the secret tunnel leading to a place near their home, Abigail was welcomed back and promptly forced to have orgasm after orgasm to make up for lost time, as Zane put it.

Today, she needed to decide if staying at a place that made her completely miserable was worth it anymore. Snuggling between Cooper and Zane didn’t make her decision any easier. But they told her they supported her in whatever she wanted to do.

They would make a long-distance relationship work, whatever it took. After running and climbing for so long in a job that didn’t appreciate her, Abigail wasn’t sure she knew how to stop. The worst part being that if she left, they’d be glad. They’d win. In fact, they’d probably throw a party if she vowed never to return. It was totally and completely unfair. A slim thread of anger wound its way around her unhappiness.