Duke looked at him more closely, especially at his mouth, and smiled a bit before saying with all seriousness, “Yes. I really do have to. I don’t have a choice.”

Still encircled in his arms, Abigail rallied. “I’m the one who’s been wronged here, sheriff. I need to have you arrest Zane for what he did.” She stiffened and turned in his arms to look at him with disdain once more. “This man is the thief here, not me.”

“Is that right?” Duke pushed out a breath as if he tried to keep from laughing. “And are you all worked up because he stole a kiss from you?”

“How’d you know we kissed?” Zane asked.

“Well, you have lipstick smeared on your mouth and the dark-pink tone looks suspiciously like the color she’s wearing. And you know that I’m a very good investigator.”

Zane wiped his mouth with his fingers and took away a sizable amount of color.

“So you won’t arrest him then?” she asked again in a pitiful voice.

“Sorry, ma’am. I don’t have an arrest warrant for him. Just for you. Come on. Let’s go.”

Abigail turned her heated gaze on Zane before stepping out of his arms.

God help him, it turned him on. The look in her eye turned to desperation when Duke grabbed her arm.

“No. Please. I’m sorry. Don’t put me in jail. I didn’t steal a car. I swear it. The vehicle was my company car. I didn’t realize I wouldn’t be able to use it after I was suspended from my job. This is insanity. Please somebody help me.”

Zane suddenly felt very responsible for her. He’d only been putting on a show to bring her to the Old West Town Jail. He didn’t want her to truly have to go to a real jail. He was also intrigued to learn the story of what had brought her here. But regardless, he also wanted to ensure she knew that he hadn’t stolen anything or ruined her life in the process.

He may have had a colorful past with regard to the law in his teens, but he’d turned his life around. Probably why he was extra irritated at being called a thief. And something he needed to get over. His zeal to make her say she was sorry had been fueled by his vividly questionable past.

Duke took a step away. She also took a step with him.

“Wait a minute.” They both turned back. Duke with irritation, and Abigail with frightened optimism.

Zane looked deeply into her eyes. “Just so you know. I’m sorry your life has been ruined. But I swear that I never stole anything from you or your bank.”

Her features sharpened. Her lovely body straightened, and she said, “There is evidence that you did.” Her voice filled with irritation once more.

“Evidence?” Zane tilted his head to one side, surprised by her conviction. “I don’t think so.”

She suddenly looked very distrustful. “What could I expect from a con man like you? You’re handsome and smooth and as deadly as a snake, and you don’t care what happens to the little people you crush under your boot heels.” Her eyes were filled with fresh anger. Maybe due in part to her situation. He tried to understand. In fact, he did to a certain degree.

Zane looked away from her fury and stared at Duke with question in his eyes. “Do you know what in the world she’s talking about?”

“Possibly.” Duke shook his head and added, “But it’s a separate matter. And I’m not at liberty to discuss it. Especially not in this public venue.”

He was about to ask yet another question, but he could tell Duke was well past ready to leave and nothing would stop him. “You have any further questions, Zane, then come on over to the sheriff’s station and we’ll talk.”

With one last look at a pitiful-looking Abigail, Duke pulled her through the Old West Town and disappeared down the street.

Kendall was still seated behind his desk as if nothing of note had happened. “Your girlfriend got arrested for grand theft auto?” he asked with a smile. “Interesting. And sort of ironic, isn’t it, given your past?”

“Shut it, Kendall. Besides, she’s not my girlfriend.” Not yet.

“Well, she marked your mouth with her lipstick, so you can understand my confusion, right? Why’d you kiss her, if you aren’t interested in the possibility of her being your next girlfriend?”