The new lawman didn’t respond. He looked directly at her. “Ma’am, are you Abigail Dixon?”

She didn’t want to answer. Didn’t want anyone of an official capacity to know her name or what she was doing here. She was unsure of what else might have happened since she’d left the bank. But everyone in the nearby assembled crowd had learned her name when he’d asked her for it. Someone would undoubtedly rat her out. She took a different tack.

“Why do you ask?”

He answered her question with another question. “Are you currently driving a gray Ford Taurus with the Montana license plate Bank 003?”

“Why do you want to know?” she asked. Abby could also play that answer a question with a question game with the best of them.

“I’m Sheriff Duke Stanton of the Enclave Police Department I have an arrest warrant for one Abigail Dixon, last seen driving a gray Ford Taurus, with the license plate Bank 003.”

Abby sucked in a shocked breath. “What’s the charge?”

He pulled a folded sheet of paper from inside his jacket pocket. Without opening it, he said, “The charge is grand theft auto.”

Chapter Three

“You stole a car?” Zane turned an amused stare her way in utter disbelief. Abigail Dixon had only been in his life for less than half an hour. She’d been attractively furious when he’d first laid eyes on her. And even as she accused him of a wealth of offenses, he was already way too intrigued by her.

Especially after that blisteringly satisfying kiss they’d shared in the jail cell a few minutes ago. He already wanted another one to satisfy his further curiosity. He also wanted to find out more about her. For starters, how did she feel about ménage relationships, then maybe a question about what she was doing later. Now that she was being arrested for grand theft auto, he was even more interested.

Up until he’d seen Duke with the deadly serious expression, Zane had wanted to carry this woman to his bed, tie her down, and invite his best friend Cooper Mackey to join them, so that they could do all manner of wicked and satisfying things until she screamed in orgasm repeatedly. He’d been about to suggest they go find a quieter place to talk about that very possible scenario when they’d been interrupted.

She could explain why she thought he’d ruined her life. Zane could explain the ménage lifestyle he lived with Cooper, and how he wanted her to take a ride on the wild side and join them this evening.

Abigail went as pale as the sexy white button-up shirt she wore when Duke announced the charge against her. He grabbed her as she swayed into him. “No. I did not steal a car.”

“But you are Abigail Dixon, is that much right?” Duke pressed. She nodded slowly.

Zane had been fairly annoyed about her accusations of his being a scumbag thief and all the other names she’d called him. And yet he’d also been interested from the second he laid eyes on her.

“Is this a joke, Duke?” he asked, just to make sure. If this was a prank, it sure looked real.

Duke’s gaze finally shifted from the gorgeous woman in Zane’s arms to his face. “Sorry, Zane, this is the real deal.” His gaze shifted back to Abigail. “Ma’am, you’ll have to come with me. The vehicle in question is already being towed from the Old West Town parking lot where it was seen earlier and reported in.”

“But I didn’t steal that car. It was my company car and—” She stopped talking suddenly as if something profound had just occurred to her. Her face screwed up, and she looked like she might burst into tears. Zane hated to see anyone cry. Especially a woman in obvious distress.

Duke took a look at her sad face and pushed out a sigh. “I’m sorry, ma’am. The tag on your vehicle was scanned and reported at the parking lot here, and flagged the warrant. The official paperwork on your vehicle came through my office as a be on the lookout for, and I’m obligated to process it. You’ll be detained in Enclave tonight and transferred to Miser in the morning for arraignment.”

Zane, reluctant to give this fascinating woman over to the law, asked, “Duke, do you really have to arrest her? This seems a bit off to me.”