“You told me she would be okay!” Cass fought against Mo’s hold, and Eve and Patty stepped in to hold onto Cass’s arms to keep her from striking out again. “You promised me you’d bring her back to me!”
Lainey stepped between Hunter and Cass when Cass lunged again. She pressed a hand against Cass’s chest.
“Cass, please. Don’t do this.”
“She lied to me!” Cass cried. “She took my wife away from me!”
Four women struggled to control a distraught Cass as she continued to yell and charge at Hunter, who merely stood there and took it. She wouldn’t fight back when she knew Cass was only acting out of fear and sorrow. Pleas for Cass to calm down fell on deaf ears, and Hunter braced herself for another strike.
Cass immediately stopped, looking around for Rebecca, as she was the only one who dared to call her that name. But she was met with an angry yet sympathetic Ellie.
Ellie stood in front of Cass, fists clenched at her sides. “I know you’re devastated. I can’t even begin to imagine how confusing and scary this is for you. But I will not allow you to keep coming after my wife!”
“It’s okay, El.” Hunter laid a hand on Ellie’s shoulder, feeling the tension. She wanted to get Ellie out of harm’s way if Cass lost control again, but Ellie stood firm.
“No, it’s not. We are all shocked by the news, Cass, and we will stand by you every step of the way. But if you hit my wife again…” Ellie took a breath before continuing. She had been beyond shocked when Cass struck Hunter the first time. She wouldn’t be silent… or frozen if it happened again. “This is not Hunter’s fault.”
Cass looked down at Ellie with anguish. “Then whose is it?”
“No one’s,” Willamena answered from the door. She came out into the hallway, nodding at the others to let Cass go. “Sometimes these things happen, Cass. No rhyme, no reason. Just a tragic bit of ill fortune that we must overcome. Together.”
Willamena examined Hunter’s bleeding lip. “Why don’t you go take care of that,” she said to Ellie. “I’ll stay here with Cass.”
Ellie nodded, wrapping her arm around Hunter. She shot a glance at Cass as she walked by her. The others silently left as well, each finding the situation tragic and unimaginable.
Cass threw up her hands, gesturing toward Hunter. “I didn’t mean…”
“She knows. I’m sure she understands where that came from.”
“Ellie doesn’t,” Cass responded miserably. “Oh god.” Cass slumped into the chair and buried her face in her hands. “I hit Hunter. My best friend. How the fuck could I do that?” Tears streamed down Cass’s cheeks. “Rebecca would be so disappointed in me. I’m just like…”
“Don’t even finish that sentence,” Willamena ordered. “Your remorse shows you’re nothing like that bitch.” She gave Cass a defiant look when Cass peeked at her through her fingers. “I said what I said. Now, let’s focus on what’s important. Rebecca.”
The tears kept coming. “It’s true, isn’t it? She doesn’t remember?”
“I’m afraid so, Cass.”
“H-how long will it last?”
Willamena sighed. “I wish I could give you definitive answers, but unfortunately, there’s no way to determine that. You could walk in there right now and cause her to remember everything just by seeing you.” She took Cass’s hand. “Or, it could be hours, even days.”
“But she will remember?”
Willamena was reluctant to give Cass too much hope in the early stages. On the flip side, she didn’t want to discourage Cass too much, sending her into a depression.
“I believe so. Are you ready to go in and see her?”
Cass shook her head, eyes wide with fear. “I-I can’t. If I walk in there and Becca looks at me like a stranger, it would kill me, Aunt Wills.”
“Listen to me, Cass. Whether Rebecca remembers you or not at the moment, she needs you - your strength, your support, and most of all, your love. I know it will be so hard for you to keep the faith if she doesn’t remember right away, but you have to try. I’m asking you, Cass, as Rebecca’s aunt, please don’t give up on her.”
“I could never give up on her, Aunt Wills. But I may need some help with the faith part.”
Willamena stood and held her hand out. “That’s where the rest of our family comes in to help us both,” she said when Cass took her hand. Aunt Wills pulled Cass up and into a hug.
“I fucked that up pretty good,” Cass muttered sadly.