Page 42 of Undoing

“Nonsense. We’re all allowed to have moments. I think Ellie knows that better than anyone. We forgive and move on.” Willamena stepped back, giving Cass a small smile. “However, you will have to grovel a little. Hunter will let it go easily enough, but Ellie will need a little more persuading.”

Cass considered what she would do if the roles were reversed, and Ellie took a swing at Rebecca. Then, because that scenario was too far-fetched, she shook it off. “I totally get it. I’m holding a grudge against a dead woman I didn’t even know.” Cass closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I’ll fix it,” she vowed.

“I know you will. Now, are you ready to go in?”

Cass would never be ready to face the love of her life and see those silver eyes staring back at her like a stranger. But Cass had often told Rebecca that she’d do anything for her.

“I’m ready.”

Rebecca side-eyed Dr. Lima, who said nothing as she checked Rebecca’s vitals. When Dr. Lima hummed and wrote notes in Rebecca’s chart, Rebecca sighed.

“Is ‘hmm’ a good thing or a bad thing?”

Dr. Lima briefly looked up from the chart. “Neither. It’s merely a sound.”

“Ah. Thanks for the update,” Rebecca responded with a slight attitude. She already had a headache and felt dirty, and if she didn’t get a brush — hair and tooth — soon, things would get ugly real fast.

The stoic doctor’s lips twitched ever so slightly. “Your vitals look good, Rebecca. We need to keep your stress levels down, and those headaches you’re getting will start to fade.”

“I could use a shower, and I want to brush my teeth. That would keep my stress down considerably.”

“You’ll be able to shower with assistance. However, I encourage you not to wash your hair until after the sutures…” Dr. Lima clearly saw the look of defiance on Rebecca’s face. “Baby shampoo. Have whoever is assisting you wash around the incision. I realize this is frustrating, but you certainly don’t want complications.”

“Fine.” Rebecca sighed again. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude. I don’t like being… dirty.” She frowned, imagining someone in her life making a joke out of that, but couldn’t picture who. Definitely not Samantha. Aunt Wills?

“I’m a surgeon who washes her hands hundreds of times daily. I understand.” Dr. Lima offered Rebecca a small, uncomfortable smile.

Sensing the doctor’s discomfort with small talk, Rebecca changed the subject. Although she didn’t want to discuss it, she needed to know.

“What’s the extent of the damage?” She asked. “I don’t feel as broken as I should with everything Samantha did. Am I on some pain medication?”

Dr. Lima’s brows knitted together in confusion. “I’m sorry, I don’t…”

“Knock, knock.”

Aunt Wills popped her head around the door, and Rebecca smiled. That smile quickly faded into embarrassment when she saw the incredibly sexy woman with her. Rebecca pushed her greasy hair out of her face and then contemplated covering her face with it. I look like an ogre, and Aunt Wills brings the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in here.

“You have a visitor,” Aunt Wills stated unnecessarily.

Cass’s heart beat painfully in her chest. God, Rebecca looked stunning. Of course, Rebecca was pale and a bit mussed after the surgery and coma. Even so, to Cass, no one could match Rebecca’s beauty. And she was awake. Cass was grateful for that despite… everything else.

“H-hey, Becca.”

Rebecca’s brows furrowed. Becca? Do we know each other? “Hi. A-are you another doctor?” Rebecca shyly tucked her hair behind her ear, unable to look the handsome woman in the eye.

The pain of those words caused Cass’s stomach to churn. “No. I’m, uh…”

What could she say? Aunt Wills had warned her that too much information could cause Rebecca stress. That’s the last thing Cass wanted to do, so she looked to Aunt Wills for help.

Willamena’s heart broke for Cass. Oh, she could see Cass trying to keep it together, but Willamena knew how those bi-colored eyes lit up when Rebecca was around. Right now, they were dull and sad.

“Rebecca, this is Cass. Do you remember her?”

“Cass.” Rebecca’s eyes traveled up Cass’s body. I’d like to get to know her. “I’m sorry, I don’t…”

“It’s fine,” Cass said quickly before Aunt Wills could say more. She could have never prepared herself for hearing Rebecca call her ‘Cass.’ It sounded… wrong. “I, uh, wanted to come see you and make sure you were okay. I’m just going to take off and let you rest.” She turned to Aunt Wills, shaking her head slightly. “I’ll call you later, Aunt Wills.”

Cass’s overwhelming need to touch Rebecca had her touching Rebecca’s blanket-covered foot briefly before she rushed to the door. She had to get out of there before she lost it in front of Rebecca. She was pretty sure if she started sobbing right there in the hospital room, Rebecca would think she was crazy, not to mention that it would cause Rebecca unneeded stress.