“The omega clinic?”
I nodded, a bit confused as to why he chose that bit of information to latch on to. Warwick looked thoughtful, or perhaps he was simply irritated. I didn’t know him nearly as well as I hoped to have the chance to. “I’ve worked there for some time now. I didn’t have anything else going on, so when Grandpa Lev mentioned the clinic needing someone to organize and run the office side of things, I figured why not. I loved my grandparents, and they’d always been really accepting of me.”
Warwick scowled. “Your grandparents are the created polar bear and his mate?”
I nodded. “What about it?”
Warwick shook his head. “Nothing. It’s just that I’ve never heard anybody ever mention Alpha Vitomir and ‘accepting’ in the same sentence. At least not until you.” Warwick shook his head again. “So if he’s so amazing with you, why are you killing the tree?”
I sighed. “My parents,” I finally said. “They’re not great.”
Warwick snorted. I glared.
“So that warrants you killing an innocent tree?”
“I should go,” I said as I got to my feet. I’d had enough of this. He wasn’t even going to acknowledge our connection. Did that mean he found me lacking? Was he not wanting a mate that wasn’t an alpha? I knew that some of the hellhounds had found mates and that they were alpha-alpha pairings. Was it supposed to be that way for all hellhounds, and now I was just a disappointment to someone else? I wasn’t sure if I could take that after the already shitty day I’d had. I could accept it from my parents. They were my parents, and sure, I wouldn’t be here without them. But my mate was supposed to be my perfect life partner. I wanted what Grandpa Lev had with Grandfather. Although I knew I wouldn’t be able to have the children part, but I had come to terms with that a long time ago.
“I understand you’re upset, and you don’t know me. I was only trying to be friendly. I’m told I’m not friendly enough.”
I stopped, turned around, and just stared at my mate. “Well, now you tell whoever that was that you’re improving. You were friendly to me. Good for you.” I walked off, upset that I was going to have to go to the transport building without my clothing, but it wasn’t as if Timothy wouldn’t understand. He might be a warlock, but he was around enough shifters to understand the whole sweats-only thing.
I heard heavy footsteps behind me, and when I turned to tell Warwick to leave me alone, I saw a very large polar bear closing in on us fast. At first, I thought it was my father, but as he got closer, I realized it was actually Grandfather.
He stopped just feet from us because Warwick had indeed been following me. When Grandfather shifted, he glanced between me and Warwick before his gaze landed on my mate.
“Alpha Vitomir,” Warwick said.
“Warwick. What brings you this way? I heard you were supposed to be on vacation.”
“I was. Something came up, and it was cut short. I happened to be out for a run when I ran across your grandson.”
Grandfather looked back to me, and I nodded. “I stopped for a break. Now I’ve rested and wish to go home.” I hoped he wouldn’t make me return to his place. The last thing I wanted was to be around the family right now.
Grandfather stared at me for a long moment before he nodded. “Very well. We will discuss some things tomorrow though. But I will respect your wishes to be alone for tonight, but there are things that will be discussed. Things that never should have been kept from your grandpa and me. Understood?”
“Yes, sir. I’ll come by tomorrow after work.”
Grandfather looked at me for a long moment, and when I finally couldn’t hold his gaze any longer, I lowered my eyes to the ground.
I felt a hand on my cheek, and I glanced up. “I am not upset with you, Cecil. I am upset with myself for not seeing things I should have. As well as having a grandson who would allow such treatment of his son.”
“I understand.” I didn’t know what else to say, really. My parents were shitty. My mother for being controlling and abusive. My father for allowing it. “I’ll see you and Grandpa tomorrow.”
Grandfather nodded and then stepped back. “Warwick?”
“Yes, Alpha Vitomir?”
“Would you please see that Cecil gets to the transport building?” I started to argue, but one look from Grandfather had me closing my mouth. “I understand he’s more than capable, but I would feel better he had someone with him until there.”
“Of course, Alpha. I was going to head back to enforcer housing anyway. The transport building isn’t far from there.”
“Thank you,” Grandfather said. “We’ll talk tomorrow.” I nodded because there was no getting out of talking tomorrow. That much I knew. I could certainly get out of Warwick escorting me to the transport building, but I wasn’t even going to try with Grandfather. “I appreciate it,” Grandfather said. He took a step back, and seconds later, his massive bear was standing there. He huffed before he took off back in the direction he’d come from.
I didn’t wait for Warwick to escort me. I simply took off in the direction I needed. I heard a growl behind me, but I was so over everything and everyone today that I didn’t even turn to respond. Seconds later, my mate was walking beside me. I didn’t say a thing though; I just continued on, hoping the walk went quickly and was without conversation. I wasn’t that lucky.
“So you’re Alpha Vitomir’s great-grandson.”
I glared up at my mate. “I already told you that.”