Page 13 of Warwick

My mind was usually clearer when I was in my beast form, but today, it seemed just as jumbled as it was when I was in my human form. There was a lot going on, and my beast wasn’t sure which to tackle first. The upcoming assignment, helping Dominic if at all possible, decorating my place and trying to be more approachable to not only my packmates but other enforcers, or my beast’s unusual draw toward the omega clinic.

I knew no pregnant omegas. I was sure there was a mate somewhere that was pregnant, but nobody in our pack had a pregnant mate. They were all alphas. Damien and Atticus were both mated, but their mates weren’t omegas. I was too antisocial to talk to most other enforcers, so I couldn’t say who had kids or didn’t, who had a pregnant mate and who didn’t. It wasn’t something that had been important to me. But then why was my beast drawn to the omega clinic?

I slid to a stop, a thought crossing my mind. I’d been around Dr. King many times, but the warlock hadn’t shown interest in me. I shook my head, and my beast took that opportunity to do another full-body shake. I was certain the doctor wasn’t my mate. He was a warlock. If he’d known I was his mate, he would have said something. So why, then? Perhaps it simply boiled down to the fact that there were omegas there, and I was an enforcer, and it was my job to keep them safe.

With that thought in mind, I started running again. I made it to the small clearing where I’d seen the teenage polar bear last week and turned in the direction I’d seen him go. I knew that would lead me toward a few of the created ones’ houses, but I had no plans on invading anyone’s privacy by getting too close. I simply wanted to head toward the gorge and then magically pop myself down to the bottom of the ravine so I could run.

I heard a noise a few minutes later, though, that drew my attention. I zeroed in on it and quietly followed the sounds coming from a cluster of trees. When I saw who I assumed was that same teenager growling and clawing at a tree, then growling and pushing on it, I realized he was most likely having a temper tantrum. I hadn’t looked into any polar bears in the council. I knew there were some, obviously, but I didn’t know who this kid belonged to.

He growled again, scratched at the ground, and then charged the tree. He pushed on it with his feet and then scratched the bark. I felt bad for the tree, but the damage had already been done. Sure, I could magically fix it once he was finished, but I didn’t know who he was or what his issue was.

When he sat back, huffed, and then made a mournful sound, I became worried, as did my beast. He was pushing me to make my presence known. I wasn’t sure how I could help the kid, but if nothing else, maybe I could somehow get him to someone that could help.

I stepped out of the spot I’d been in behind some trees, and immediately, the young cub stood and spun around growling. He stopped when he saw me. I moved closer, and when we were a few feet apart, I shifted. “Do you need help?” I asked. “I can talk to someone if you’d like. Are you having problems at home or something?” The cub raised his nose, sniffing the air. He froze, and I held up my hands, hoping to calm him. “I won’t hurt you. I’m an enforcer, but you should know that if you’re here on the mountain. Who can I contact to help you?” I pointed toward the tree. “I understand frustration. Trust me, I truly do.”

I watched as he started to shift, and seconds later, he was crouched on the ground in front of me. When he glanced up, I realized I’d seen him around before, only not up close. But I’d seen him talking with Dr. King. I tilted my head to the side. As I studied him, I realized he wasn’t a teenager at all. He was an omega though, and that most likely attributed to his small size when shifted, not that he was overly large in his human form. He was cute though.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I’m Warwick,” I told him. “I work for the council.” I waited for him to share his own name. He looked at me expectantly, but I wasn’t sure what he wanted or needed beyond my name.

He sighed and then plopped down onto the forest floor. I cringed at the thought of all of the dirt and pine needles on his bare behind, so I used some magic to give him at least a pair of sweats. He gasped as he glanced down at himself before groaning.

“Want to talk about it?” I asked as I moved closer and sat in front of him.

Brown eyes met mine and simply stared.

Chapter 6


Iwas so proud of myself. I’d held everything in during our family dinner. I should have taken Grandpa Lev’s out, though, and skipped it. I should have. But we didn’t have crystal balls and couldn’t see the future as to just how bad things would be. They were bad.

My mother immediately started making comments about how much weight I’d gained since she’d seen me last. A stern look from Grandpa Lev had her cheeks turning pink and her suddenly interested in her plate. Sadly, it hadn’t stopped there. There were comments about every single thing I added to my plate. Just me, not the other omegas my family were mated to. Only me.

Grandfather pointed out that as a shifter, I needed many more calories than she did and that such talk wouldn’t be tolerated in his house. My father tried to argue, but a low growl had everyone in the family freezing. I carefully set my fork down, excused myself, and then went to the back deck. I had my clothes off and was shifted before anyone thought to follow me.

I heard Grandpa Lev calling my name over the sound of Grandfather’s voice loudly saying my father’s name. I glanced back only long enough to meet his gaze, and then I ran full out. I wasn’t sure how long I ran. I know I was going in circles until I was breathing heavily. Then, I decided to take my frustrations out on an innocent tree.

That’s how he found me. It was the same hellhound from last week. This time, he was closer, and the winds were favorable and I was able to scent him. He was my mate. I wasn’t sure what that would mean for us because he was a hellhound, and I was an omega polar bear. Would he accept me? I wouldn’t be able to give him children. Would he resent me because of that?

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m Warwick. I work for the council.”

I sighed and then plopped down onto the forest floor. I knew he worked for the council. He was a hellhound, and they were all enforcers. Well, I’d heard there was a new one who wasn’t yet an enforcer, but it was only a matter of time before he joined them. I suddenly felt warmth on my lower half, and when I glanced down, I found myself wearing a pair of dark gray sweats. They were soft, warm, and fit perfectly.

“Want to talk about it?” Warwick asked as he moved closer and sat on the ground in front of me. Did I want to talk about it? Not really. But who could I talk to about the misery my parents put me through always?

“Do you know who I am?” I asked because he didn’t seem as if he recognized the connection between the two of us.

“No. You’ve not yet given me your name. I assume you have one though. Care to share it?”

I grinned. “My name is Cecil Medved.” I wondered if he’d make the connection. I could tell immediately when he had.

“Medved. As in Alpha Vitomir?”

I nodded. “Yes. He’s my great-grandfather. I work in the omega clinic with Dr. King.” Warwick tilted his head to the side. I would describe him as an enormous man. He was easily as tall as Grandfather, most likely taller. And wide. He could easily intimidate even the most alpha of alphas, I was certain.