The other two bouncers opened the door and after one last look at the infamous Trevor, I walked as calmly as possible into the establishment. The smell of alcohol, mustiness and rancid perfume hit me in the face.
The dive was rammed with an assortment of people from all walks of life. Designer brands mingled with Primark. The place reminded me of why I didn’t do people.
My rage increased as my feet stuck to the floor. My Leonie was here in this shit hole and I hated that. What the actual fuck. I was losing my mind, I so needed to purge the girl from my system.
As I walked through the lobby where there was a counter to check coats, I took in the seedy colour scheme. The fact that this place did private showings was the main reason Leonie shouldn’t have been anywhere near it.
As I entered the main function room, it was full, tables were scattered around with booths at the back, there were two bars, part of a dance floor and then a stage at one end.
My eyes searched for Max; he’d said he was in a booth at the back. Fuck knows why he came here; he was way too classy. Or maybe he wasn’t. Pussy would clearly be on tap in a place like this.
I could feel women of all ages sizing me up and I went to the bar and ordered a beer hoping to blend. The clothing I was wearing was probably worth more than the bartender made in a month. It was funny as I’d never thought of myself as a snob up until that moment.
As I ran my credit card over the reader, I spied Max in one of the booths to the side. He wasn’t alone. Two women were with him.
“Fuck it,” I said to myself and chugged the bottle. I needed courage for what I was about to see.
Max saw me and waved me over wearing a triumphant smile and I reluctantly joined them.
The bleached blonde with huge tits shuffled over so I could push myself into the seating. Their table was full of empty bottles which suggested they’d been there a while.
“Annette and Lolly, meet my best mate Gabe,” Max said, now slurring. I knew he was pissed as he never called me that. I wasn’t sure what was going on with him lately, he seemed to be partying way too much. If it had been anyone else, I would have said trouble with the love life, but Max didn’t have one of those. Or did he?
“So did I miss her?” I said, totally ignoring the two giggling girls. What the fuck was Max doing, he usually went for women with at least some class.
“No. Well, yes and no,” he said with a stupid look on his face. Now was not the time for him to be useless.
I shot him a glare. “Well, which is it fucktard?”
Max’s smile faltered but wasn’t replaced by anger. He cleared his throat and rolled his shoulders. He was clearly too pissed to register that I had disrespected him. You didn’t name call where Max was concerned or he rearranged your face, fact.
My expression must have told him to rewind as he quickly answered, “She’s back on for another set soon. Be ready for your cock to get hard.” He then leaned over and grabbed one of the blondes by the hair. I watched as he pretty much pushed his tongue into her mouth. That was weird. He so wasn’t himself. He was usually a charmer, not one to be so forceful with the ladies.
The girl liked it though and so I knew I shouldn’t give a shit. He also lifted one hand and palmed her tit, just as the music started to change. Nice.
I held my breath and pulled my gaze away. Something was going on with my friend, but I didn’t have time for his shit.
And then, she appeared. Leonie Smith, my Leonie, wannabe ballerina. She was on stage before me in her fucking underwear. And not just any underwear, a red corset that pushed her tits up. I was losing my sanity fast.
Max released the girl and eyed the stage. “Told you.”
I went to shove to my feet, but Max pushed me back with a hard arm across my chest. He shot me a warning look and cocked his head towards all the security that was lurking by the stage. Security, that had a front-seat view of Leonie’s cleavage I might add.
Sitting there, my blood continued to boil and then some as Leonie started to dance. It was the most exciting and erotic thing I had seen. Forbidden and exhilarating, her body gyrating as she shifted her hips and waved her behind towards the audience who all cheered and whooped. Although her outfit was tacky, Leonie looked good enough to eat.
All the blood in my body rushed to my cock but I had to concentrate, I couldn’t get a boner now, not with all these people watching the reason for that. The fact that they were probably experiencing similar reactions pissed me the hell off and I flipped.
As I shoved to my feet, I heard Max mutter. “Here we go.”
I could feel him at my back as I sauntered down the steps to the lower level, my destination, the stage.
Max was trying to get me to change my mind, but he still shadowed me, my wingman as always.
As I got to the stage Leonie saw me, her mouth dropping open, and she stopped dancing. She looked so fucking screwable. I wanted to take her mouth with mine and never come up for air.
I motioned for her to come to me with the crook of my finger. Unfortunately, this caused two security guys to do the same.
It then got out of hand as I lunged forward and snagged Leonie’s wrist, almost pulling her off stage. Thrusting myself forward, she fell over my shoulder, the wind whooshing from her small frame. I clamped my hand over her thighs, so she didn’t slide off.