The guy to my right tried to step in and I pulled back my free hand and punched him in the face as hard as I could.
“I don’t think so sunshine,” I heard Max mutter before he lamped the other guy.
Our gazes caught as a full-on fight erupted around us. Other men and women were suddenly on their feet as chaos erupted.
I took off out of the club like the devil was after me, glancing briefly back as I got to the door into the lobby to see Max in all his glory. He had three guys on him at once, but I wasn’t worried. Out of all my friends, he was the one who could look after himself. He stood egging them all on with his shirt half ripped, his tattoos screaming tough fucker and basically, milking the action. I had a feeling that he wasn’t just fighting for the sake of it, there was more violence than usual in him. So, in a way, I’d done him a solid.
I got out into the cool night air and received a grin from a passing Trevor who must have been running towards the action. I still didn’t like the dude.
Leonie was now beating me with her fists. It felt like someone was throwing bread rolls at my back. Even though I could hardly feel it, I slapped her arse cheek hard, once. She jolted in shock, and I was sure her gasp was a mixture of surprise and pleasure. I gave her another tap for good measure, and she squirmed against me. Hmm, maybe my sweet little Leonie was into spanking. Who knew right?
My temper had started to cool now she was in my arms but as I got to the car, I placed her on her feet none too gently. Opening the back seat, I then stuffed her inside and slammed the door. Leonie fell sideways, her suspender-clad legs flailing. As I climbed behind the wheel, she attempted to leave the car, her face flushed and her hair everywhere.
Starting the engine, I met her shocked gaze in the rearview mirror. “Child locks are a bitch, aren’t they?”
She opened her mouth to speak but I interrupted, “Don’t. I am so fucking angry with you right now.” Her lips slapped closed, and the bastard in me imagined them wrapped around my cock as she begged forgiveness for lying to me.
I then placed my arm around the back of the passenger seat and reversed off the pavement, aggressive waves bouncing off me.
There was silence. No words from Leonie who sat in the back with her arms folded, staring out of the window. Her cute little nose was in the air, she was ticked off at being manhandled out of the club.
I was getting the silent treatment for my caveman behaviour, but did I give a shit. Nope. I wanted to kiss the hell out of her until her lips were bruised, branding her mine.
As the car ate up more and more of the road, I couldn’t wait to get her home for what would be for her, the wake-up call of the fucking century.
I felt a mixture of guilt and fear, and also a twinge of sadness that I may have ruined my relationship, whatever that was, with Gabriel. Annoyance bubbled in the pit of my belly as I realised Max had sold me out. How the heck was I supposed to know he’d be there? Aquarius didn’t seem like his scene, but it appeared I didn’t know the guy at all, not really. As I thought back to the Charity Ball, he made girls cry and that was never good in my opinion.
The silence in the car was almost suffocating, Gabriel didn’t even turn the radio on. As we stopped at what felt like every red light in London, his eyes flickered to mine in the mirror. His stare was intimidating, and I knew I was going to get it in the neck or other places. The latter thought caused a twinge of excitement to thrum through me, just as it did when he had smacked my bottom; several times!
Shivering, I rubbed my arms. I was in the back of the Range Rover in my underwear so no surprise there then. My bag and phone were back at the club.
“Are you cold?” Gabriel suddenly said and I nodded, and he started to fiddle with the heating dials. At least he wasn’t going to leave me to freeze to death.
“My bag and keys and everything are in the changing rooms at the club,” I pointed out, my voice scratchy.
His eyes burned into me through that mirror again, “Assuming Max doesn’t spend the night locked up, I’ve messaged him to collect all your shit.”
I nodded, my eyes roaming over Gabriel’s white knuckles as he gripped the steering wheel. Of dear he was cross and of course, he would be. I hadn’t exactly lied about tonight but I hadn’t told the truth either. What was it they said, lying by omission?
“I’m sorry,” I said.
Gabriel fixed his eyes on the road again. His next words caused a dart of giddiness to power through me.
“You’re going to be.”
Stifling a sneaky little smile, I shut up and looked out of the window, not knowing what my fate would be and now more excited about it than scared. Yes, I’d fucked up tonight, but I was back with Gabriel now, which is where I had wanted to be all night. Favours be damned. Oh dear, I hoped Sam didn’t lose her job because of me.
Gabriel parked the car and climbed out, helping me down from the backseat. He took his jacket off and draped it across my shoulders.
“Won’t you get clamped?” I said, studying the no parking zone Gabriel had stopped the car.
“I really couldn’t give a shit,” he replied as he took my hand in his and tugged me along. Gabriel’s fingers were still gentle as we walked into the building, past the doorway where we’d first met when he had been such a wanker. It was amazing how things had changed between us, and I so hoped that I hadn’t messed things up.
We rode the lift in ominous silence.
“Is Asher in?” I asked in a small voice.