When we get to the rope swings, it’s game over for him as his bulkier frame and weight slows him down a bit, but it’s an advantage for Stacy who’s back in the lead and swinging faster than me. We race to the wall climb, then race through the last lane of tires until I can jump toward the finish line.

The cheers are deafening, but so are the groans from the finalists. Jack scowls at Stacy, who got second place, while Ethan shakes his head in amusement.

“Not fair. You win every damn year, boss.”

Stacy scoffs. “Then you shouldn’t have invited him. You know he loves to beat our asses.”

“Except he can’t beat your ass, can he?”

Stacy glares at Jack while Jack continues teasing her. I grin mischievously.

“I guess I won that trip to the Caribbean…unless anyone wants another shot at the prize?”

The yes is unanimous, and soon Leon announces that there’s an extra activity in store: paintball war. But before we can start, Ingrid clears her throat.

“But with a twist this time.” Her eyes sparkle. “It will be a pairing match. The first three teams will be picked randomly, and those three teams will match up the rest.”

It’s chaos from then on as the first three teams decide to play their little game: by pairing the worst combination of people together. Jack and Stacy groan in protest when they get paired together, then some others whose skill sets don’t match each other. When I notice that Michael’s the only one left without a partner, I walk toward him, but Ethan and Jack block my path.

“Oh, no you don’t, boss.”

I glance at Ethan. “He’s the only one left.”

Michael shrugs sheepishly, then limps slightly. I didn’t notice it before, but I figure it must be from the obstacle course. “Sorry, man, but I’m going to have to sit this one out. I’m having leg cramps.”

“Well, there’s no one. Even Ingrid and Leon are paired up…”

Then it clicks as Stacy turns to Raven.

“We vote Raven. She can be your partner. Unless she doesn’t want to join, then you’re out…”

I’m not even surprised with Raven’s answer and bright smile.

“I would love to join!”

* * *

“They want me to lose.”

Raven shoots me an amused look. “I should be insulted, but I kind of agree with you. You don’t have a chance with me.”

“Hey. I was kidding. Don’t sell yourself short. Do you know how to use that gun?”

“I don’t. But I also want to win. Teach me?”

I demonstrate for her, then show her how to hold her gun and aim properly. Everyone else around us gears up, but I can’t help being a bit touchy as my hands linger longer on her. Her eyes glaze when my arm lightly brushes her chest, then when my palm slides over her back.

“I said teach me, not distract me.”

“Baby, you’re the distracting one. I miss having my hands on you.”

She opens her mouth to retaliate, but Leon shouts for us to start walking away from each other. I take her hand and tug her toward the left, where the wood area is denser. We keep walking until we find a spot surrounded by bushes.

“How do we know when the game’s starting?”

A horn blasts from the distance and she smiles. So do I. Then we make a run for it, heading far away from the noises already echoing around us.

“My strategy is to lie low and let them fight it out first, then make my move when they’re winded. It’s underhanded, but I find that sometimes you don’t have to charge headfirst into battle.”