“Sounds like a veteran move. Where are we going?”
“I think I spotted a lake earlier. Let’s camp by that lake and set up a target mark.”
We organize it in no time, having a clear advantage with our view. Raven looks around for movement, her body tense but in an anticipatory way. Then her pupils dilate.
“Ten o’clock.”
I already spotted the pairing before her warning. She crouches lower while I lock in, then shoot twice. A gasp comes from the two agents with purple paint on their vests, who wave at us before marching back to the starting point.
Raven pumps a celebratory fist. “Do we have points now?”
“The last pair standing is the winner.”
I take in her flushed cheeks. “Are you okay?”
She nods. “Yeah. That was just so…sexy. You shooting that cleanly, I mean. All calm and collected.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Hmm. It makes me want to tear off your clothes and unravel you until you’re wild for me.”
My eyes widen and I cough. If we were in private, I don’t think I’d be able to hold back with how hard I already am. I’d probably tear off her clothes first.
I want to jump her now, but I swallow the fantasy and force myself to keep looking ahead.
“Later. I promise you’ll get that wish.”
She snickers, then goes silent when another pair comes into the clearing and I shoot again. Our secret hideout doesn’t remain secret for long as the paint splatters on the ground and clues others in, so we sneak away to find new territory. Before long, hiding’s no longer an option as more pairs get eliminated and it’s down to a few pairs.
I’m more than impressed when Raven proves to be better than I imagined, quiet when needed and able to sneak around and shoot targets on their backs. She manages to shoot a third agent by herself and crows in triumph, but then her gun gets stuck and another agent quickly approaches her. I shoot him first, but more men emerge and aim at her.
She tries to run, but it’s too late. Instinct snaps and I jump in front of her, then roll us to the ground to avoid the first round of paintballs. But a second round volleys my back as I keep her covered while she…giggles.
I look down at her, noticing the paint on her shoulder and the joy in her eyes. It’s a breathtaking sight, but it’s the mischief in her voice that snags my attention.
“Christian, I think you’re right. They made me join so you could lose. Did you always win this activity, too?”
“He always did.” Ethan smirks. “The boss hates losing and likes one-upping everyone.”
“But we finally got him now.” Kyle laughs. “Good game, Raven. Jack, does this mean you’ll give Stacy a chance on your honeymoon now?”
“In her dreams.”
“Fuck you, Lionel.”
But Stacy and Jack are too happy with their win to keep ribbing at each other. They high-five while I stand up and pull Raven with me, then shake my head.
“Unfair. You guys ganged up on us.”
“Congratulations to the winners.” Michael approaches us, no longer limping. My eyes widen.
“Oh, you bastard.”
“All’s fair in love and war, man.”
Despite the obvious setup, I can’t help feeling pride for these people, especially since their sneaky little teamwork paid off. I happily declare Jack and Stacy as the winners, then announce that everyone’s getting prizes, too, prepared by the Lemmon team. It boosts the mood even higher as they start guessing what the prizes are.