“I don’t know yet, actually, since we have an open contract, but I’ll keep you updated. Tell the kids I said hi.”

“And Nick?” She sounds amused. I grin.

“Tell him he doesn’t need my hi, but if he’s that needy…”

Nick grumbles in the background. “Screw you, Benson.”

“Hey!” Clara giggles. “That’s also my last name.”

“It was your last name. I meant him, sweetheart. But I do screw you?—”

“And this has officially gone into weird, hell-no territory.” I groan. “I’m out, you two.”

I hang up just in time as Sweet Haven comes into view. Then I’m nervous all over again and fighting it with every street I cross, recalling Clara’s words earlier when I first announced the expansion news and my worries over it.

“Grab it by the throat. That’s how you always are, aren’t you? You don’t let opportunities slip out of your hands. I know this will be just as successful as the first. You just need to trust in yourself.”

And it’s how I should deal with this other thing, too, isn’t it? I need to be straight with Raven about how I feel, especially if there’s a chance that she feels the same way. And with her ex truly out of the picture, that includes asking her out on a proper date.

Date, confession, see how things go. Easy peasy.

My palms start sweating at the idea, but the mantra goes on in my head until I arrive at my house, where Raven said she’ll be as Honey Lee dropped her off earlier. I don’t even park the car properly. I abandon it on the sidewalk and hurry toward the house, no longer able to wait to see her after missing her for a damn week.

The door opens as soon as I knock, and I step in and immediately engulf her in my arms. She squeals when I do, then laughs when I twirl her around in my excitement. I place her back on the ground, anticipating the moment my mouth can capture hers in the kiss I’ve been dreaming about all week.

But my gaze lands on the suitcase behind her…then the outfit she has on, and my anticipation turns into puzzlement.

“Raven, what’s with the suitcases and why are you all dressed up?”

Her smile dims, but her shoulders straighten. My puzzlement shifts into a coldness washing over my body as it already understands what’s going on, but my mind is still catching up.

Raven, however, makes sure there’s no confusion as she visibly gathers a breath and lets out words that pierce right into me.

“This is me with my things all packed…because I’m ending our contract.”

I know about the contract ending. We texted about it briefly on my way home. I was counting on it and wasn’t going to make a move until then, but…


She sighs, sheepish but determined. “I know I should have told you over the phone, but I think it’s better to let you know in person. And I know I should have waited, but Honey Lee found a cheap flight and I couldn’t let the opportunity slip away. So, we booked it.”

It’s strange how Clara said the words, too, about not letting the opportunity slip away, and I reinforced it in my mind. But this…this isn’t what I expected. I stare.

“Tell me what?”

“That I’m all packed up—obviously—and I’m ready to leave. The flight is in Nashville and it’s tonight, which means I have to get there now. With my ex and stalker gone…I’m free.” She softens at that, her emotions coming to the surface, and it touches something deep inside me as I understand how much this means to her.

“Where are you headed?”

My voice is quiet and calm. It’s the opposite of how I feel, but it must be convincing as she brightens.

“I’m headed to visit my parents, but maybe I’ll return to San Francisco after. Not right away, but…”

“You can return anytime you want now.”

“Exactly.” Her voice quivers. “I can return anytime I want. I can return to my apartment, my workplace…I can return to my life there, Christian, with no consequences. I’m free. Isn’t that amazing?”

Every word slices up my heart until it’s bruised as hell and no longer functioning…at least, that’s what it feels like. But a word sinks into the crevices of my muddled emotions, perhaps the most important one for Raven: free. Freedom.