Freedom is what she hasn’t had since her turmoil started…and it’s what she has now.
So how can I take that away from her?
She looks excited over her news, but I can see hints of apprehension as she waits for my response. It’s as if she’s expecting me to shoot her down, perhaps because that’s all she experienced before she came to Sweet Haven. My heart aches at the thought.
My heart also can’t bear the idea of disappointing her when I know I have the power to make her smile.
“It’s amazing. Probably the best news I’ve heard since I got home. And I’m truly happy for you, Raven.”
Raven’s eyes widen, but yes, she does smile—and while it’s a wistful one, it’s still one of the most beautiful and raw I’ve seen from her. Tears fall on her cheeks, which then become my weakness as my calmness snaps and I tug her in for another hug. This time, I don’t let go that easily.
Maybe I need this contact more than she does, but she doesn’t need to know that. She doesn’t need to know that having her in my arms makes me want to fight and do everything to make her stay here, either, not when it’ll only serve me and not her.
And she doesn’t need to know that she broke my heart, and I don’t think I will recover from the hurt anytime soon.
“I’m glad you’re okay with this, Christian.”
“Of course I am. You’ve been waiting for it for so long. It’s the end goal, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Then congratulations for reaching that goal.” I kiss the top of her head. “For being brave. For getting through this like a champ.”
She peeks up at me. “We both got what we wanted. You reached your goal, too.”
“That I did.”
Lies, lies, lies. But I clamp down on my internal protest, not wanting to taint her victorious moment. Our heads draw closer, like a magnet is between us, and the sight of her soft lips tempts me like no other.
I want to claim them and let her feel my hunger, one that has been building inside me for so long. I want to make her gasp and melt against my touch until she’s moaning my name and begging for more. And maybe, just maybe…I want to change her mind through this, knowing the attraction is still as potent as ever between us and I can make her succumb to it.
But it’s foul, especially when she’s more than ready to leave that attraction behind and start on the life she missed out on. My heart hates it to the depths of my being.
But my mind? It already knows what it has to do.
Before our mouths can meet, I back away first, stepping out of the hug until there’s a reasonable distance between us. Then I clear my throat.
“Your flight is this evening, you said?”
“Then let’s not waste time. I’ll drive you now.”
“But you just got here! Honey Lee and Aaron already offered to drive me?—”
“And I know Nashville more than they do, and I don’t mind driving some more. You can stay at my place there until your flight. Come on. Before we miss it.”
I offer my hand. She looks at it, hesitating for a few seconds before she nods and takes it. Electricity zaps at the touch, but she’s unfazed.
Or maybe she just didn’t feel it because she feels nothing for me.
I swallow that bitter pill and tug her out of my house for good.
Chapter 26
“Hey. How’s everything?”