I placed a lantern in the window to summon Tibbott, who would see it from the household apartments. We needed to discuss the day’s events. The blasted elves would no doubt tip my hand, so things had to be handled quickly. I also needed to deliver a message to the warlord about the location of his wayward brothers. Thankfully, the girl was still unbalanced. This venture didn’t have to be an entire waste, as I’d feared.

Striding to my desk, I sat down to peruse the open journal with my most recent notes through a magnifying glass—a necessity of age. An oval grooming mirror on a stand sat within my reach while an enchanted ink and quill set worked hard nearby, copying anything written within the chateau. Even at this late hour, people penned personal letters and copied text. One writing appeared as though some animal was penning notes in the margins of whatever they were reading. I sneered at the thought. As I moved the enchanted pen and ink aside, so I could write a missive of my own, the image in the mirror stirred.

In that moment, I saw my nephew’s face as he reached to pull one of the mirrors off his study wall. Furious, I wondered if the boy had discovered the truth of its purpose. Nicolas carried it to his desk, and I realized the boy was going to use it for scrying. There was no telling how the mirror’s enchantment would react to Nicolas’ magic. I slapped the mirror before me, to turn it on its stand. Perhaps it would go dormant if I wasn’t before it to activate the spells.

I’d taken a chance by leaving that mirror where Nicolas could find it so easily. The risk had been worth it, though, with all the information I’d gathered. I would just have to make sure everything was ready before the boy could act.



Iawoke to sheer bliss. Oz had her lips wrapped around the head of my cock, if I wasn’t mistaken. I gasped and threw the blanket back. There she was, her dark eyes smoldering up at me as she took more into her mouth. I groaned and ran my fingers through the soft brown hair threatening to slide over her face. The intensity of her gaze burned, heating my face and chest. My cock surged and the suction as she backed off to the head was sublime. My breath was ragged and my voice shaky when I spoke. “I suppose I didn’t give you the chance to taste me last night. Hm?” Her only response was to take me back into her mouth, deeper this time. I could see the glint of amusement in her eyes though. Toes curled, I shuddered as she pulled back to the head again and swirled her tongue around it, focused on teasing the sensitive underside. “Holy shit.” I groaned and dropped my head back onto the pillow. Her chuckle vibrated pleasantly all the way to my center and set my heart galloping. Then she started bobbing and stroking and sucking in earnest. The breath caught in my throat and only escaped in gasping, short bursts while her hands and mouth moved in concert. She played my pleasure so artfully I felt as though I were floating among the clouds—I’d never felt so thoroughly worshipped.

When I felt that final surge of pleasure coming, I wound my fingers in her hair and held her in place, pushing into her throat as far as I could without hurting her. The sensation of her swallowing my seed made me tremble and groan. I pulled her off and stared down at her flushed face. Strings of spittle and cum hung from her swollen lips and a big teardrop sat at the corner of one eye while she gasped for air. She licked her lips and grinned at me.

“You are incredible,” I murmured in awe. “Come to me. I want to taste.”

Oz slid up my naked body and crushed those full, soft lips against mine. Our mingled flavors slid across my tongue when I invaded her mouth. I groaned. The animal within me thought it had never tasted anything sweeter.

I held her close after breaking the kiss and grinned up at the ceiling like an idiot. “Good morning, Ozanna, my love.” She settled against my chest, draping an arm over me. “I’ll give you a moment to catch your breath before returning the favor.”

“No,” she chuckled. “I’m a little sore from last night. I owed you that one.”

“You’re keeping track? You know you don’t need to.” Though it was sweet that she wanted to please me as much as I pleased her.

She was quiet for a moment. “I don’t know. It feels as though we were cheated out of a lot of choice in this. I guess it feels like I can choose to keep us equal.”

“What do you mean we were cheated?” I asked, brows furrowed. It was an odd statement, and I couldn’t understand where it came from.

She may have had a warm smile on her face, but when her gaze met mine, I could see the worry behind that mask. “You realize Emma wed us that night, don’t you?” she asked. “It just seemed inconsequential until last night.”

I swallowed and nibbled on my bottom lip. Did she really believe she was somehow obligated to me because of what Emma did? Marriage was a social contract though, not an act of nature. The mating bond would have a far greater impact in that way, but she could still choose to be done with me in an intimate sense if she chose. I didn’t want her to believe she was forced to be any more than she wanted us to be. Ozanna Black would not do well kept, in any sense, against her will.

“Oz,” I started, “we are to one another whatever we choose. If you don’t want to call yourself my wife, you don’t have to. I just told the others you were my wife because it’s what they understand and I’m sorry I didn’t check with you before I did it. We never made that pledge to each other. The one thing I cannot refute is the way we are mates in the elven sense. Even with this bond, you could send me away.” Though it would be incredibly painful for me, from what I understood. And now that I was starting to get a feel for the inner animal this bond stirred, I didn’t doubt it. “It’s intended to ensure the safety and health of our offspring, not to make you my property. I’m obligated to you, not the other way around,” I reassured her.


“Yes, we are mates and whatever else we want to be, love.” I felt a little tension ease out of her shoulders and smiled. “As much as I’d love to dive into that life with you, if you’ll have me, it would be better to wait until the situation with Emma is resolved and we find the right place to settle down.”

She sighed and tightened her embrace. “Thank you, Lhoris.”

“Of course.” I kissed the top of her head, glad to dispel her concern. “As for the situation with Emma, perhaps we should warn Duke Nicolas away from involving his uncle.” I didn’t want to say anything in front of the group last night, not without talking to Lobikno or Oz alone.

“I was thinking the same thing,” she nodded. “At least until we can meet him and get a feel of who he is.”

“Perhaps we should just ask Nicolas his opinion of the man.”

“Nicolas does seem a trustworthy sort,” Oz agreed.

“Let's get ready for that tour then, shall we?”

I wore my bright silver vest and dark gray slacks, the garb of a medical apprentice, for the first time since leaving the woodlands. I’d earned them after finishing my medicinal healing, wound care, and herbalist courses, just before Dulanzo stole me away. Now, they were my nicest clothes, and I decided to wear them to tour the palace and grounds with the duke. Wearing them again brought about a wave of nostalgia. Hours spent pouring over books and time spent assisting healers while I learned at their side. Perhaps I could return to my studies if we survived the coming weeks.

The prospect of taking Oz to see the woodland folk delighted me, too. She was so detached from her elven half that even the tiny bit of time she worked on her little light had resulted in subtle changes. How would she change and grow from spending additional time among her own people and not just two broken dark elves?

Fastening the last vest button, I examined myself in the mirror. The cut and lines of the garment accentuated the change in my build. Living with the war band for so long had given me more muscle in the shoulders. My once-rounded face was now hewn and sharp, too. Then again, I couldn’t recall the last time I’d looked in a mirror, so my mental self-image could be simply out-of-date and askew. I snorted and thought I’d have the opportunity to do that more here at the chateau. One could hardly turn around without seeing themselves reflected in the obsessive number of mirrors around.

“That’s just not fair,” said Oz when I turned around to show her the final look.