I put my hand over my heart in mock anguish. Oz laughed and rose from where she was working her thick hair into a single long braid. Accustomed to her typical pants and tunic I had to admit, she was absolutely stunning in the borrowed dress. The red-brown color complimented her pale skin and brought out the warmth of her eyes and the freckles dusting her nose and cheeks. It also accentuated the curves of her hips and breasts, the opposite of what tunics and pants did for her. Tunics emphasized her athletic build, but she carried herself with more confidence which was undeniably attractive. It was hard to decide which look I liked better. Then I realized that it didn’t matter, because she was superb and what she wore mattered little.
And she loved me. Wanted me. I absolutely didn’t deserve it.
“It’s not fair,” she said, running her hands over my chest and stomach before sliding her arms around me, “that I have to wait until later tonight to enjoy how delicious you look in that outfit.”
I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. “Mm, I guess you’ll just have to suffer through the day keeping your hands to yourself.” I planted a kiss on her forehead. “Bear in mind that I’ll be suffering as well. You’re absolutely ravishing in any outfit, but that dress …" I gave her a sly smile that made her blush. “Are you ready to go?”
Gazing at herself in the mirror, she smirked. “I can’t tell if we look good together or if we are an odd pair.”
“The contrasts are striking,” I admitted while examining our reflection. “But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being both of those at the same time.” I didn’t care what other people saw when they looked at us, though. What we saw in each other was far more important.
At Emma’s suite, we found Lobikno waiting outside the door.
“This is a boring job, Lhoris,” he complained in a groan. “My friend left in the middle of the night. Probably thought I was dead.”
“Sorry, brother,” I said. “Once we get through today, we can start making the shifts shorter.”
“I’m going to bed after the grand tour,” Lobikno groused. “But I’m content to keep the night shift. At least I won’t have the sun in my eyes.”
“You should change into some fresh clothes,” Oz suggested.It was surprisingly tactful of her. Lobikno was pungent.
“I don’t have any fancy clothes,” he grumbled.
“You don’t need fancy clothes if the ones you put on are fresh. Or you could sleep, brother,” I offered alternatively. Lobikno stayed on duty last night to allow me private time with Oz and I wanted to repay him. “The chateau will still be here after you get some rest.” I shook my head at him then knocked on Emma’s door. “Princess, your duke awaits.”
“Just a moment!” called Eve.
Lobikno yawned. “No, I’d rather get the lay of things sooner than later.”
“Very well,” I sighed. Someone inside Emma’s suite started working the lock on the door. “Just try and stay upwind.”
Eve opened the door and froze as she took in the sight of me. Then she blinked, her blue eyes wide with surprise. “Lhoris, I had no idea you owned nice clothes.”
“You look regal,” Emma said as she came to the door, a similar look of shock on her face. “But there’s something missing.”
“Braids!” exclaimed Eve.
Before I knew it, the girls herded me to a chair in the sitting room. Eve produced a comb and set about grooming my loose hair. She snagged the enchanted plait a couple of times, but I endured the treatment. The pair asked me if all elf hair was so fine and soft or if I used a special rinse to make it so, but neither gave me time to answer before they babbled on. They tried multiple styles while Oz looked on, her brown eyes dancing with amusement at my plight.
Eventually, she stepped in and said, “I think he’s had enough. The braids at his temples are fine. We need get going.”
As I got to my feet, I caught sight of something odd from the corner of my eye—in the mirror by the door, something that hadn’t been there a moment before. I looked directly at it and found only my own long face peering back at me. I shook my head and followed Oz.
I was relieved to be out in the hall again while Emma finished primping. “Why did they want to do that?”
Touching the pair of braids, I pondered what just happened. I’d never been treated that way, even by the woodland females that took interest in me. It hadn’t been malicious, but it hadn’t felt like they were doing it solely for my benefit.
“Lhoris, my love,” Oz said cupping my cheeks with both hands, her warm eyes merry.“You’re just so pretty in silk that they mistook you for another silly maiden.” Then, to my delight, she planted a kiss on my nose. “You’ve been accepted as one of their own.”
I chuckled and growled as I caught her by the waist, planting what I hoped to be an unmistakably masculine kiss on her lips. “Cruel woman,” I chided and rested my forehead against hers.
Lobikno grumbled at me in our tongue, and I replied in kind.
“What was that about?” Oz asked.
“Do you want the direct translation or the polite one?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You know I said it in elvish so she couldn’t understand it, right?” Lobikno asked with a scowl.