Page 38 of Seductive Hearts

“I’m sure,” I snapped, cutting her off, then slammed the refrigerator door shut after putting away the eggs. “We already had a close call. It’s better this way.”

All I had to do was convince myself of that as she tiptoed across the room before her feet flew up the stairs.

Hell, maybe he had come at the right time. My arrogant asshole of a father might have saved me from making the mistake of getting closer to a woman who would never be mine.



“Lunch break’s over. We want these dressing rooms finished by the end of the day.” Colton’s voice rang out loud, sharp, and very much unlike his attitude during the first two weeks of the project. He was everyone’s buddy then, getting along great with the guys, sharing their jokes, and, to my surprise, being an excellent manager overall.

I knew when the change came about. It broke my heart a little.

I had never seen that side of Barrett before. I’d never heard him sound so hateful. The ugly things he’d practically screamed at Colton were still rattling around in my head by Monday afternoon. It was as if he hated his own son.

I’d always figured Barrett was hard on him the way Dad was on Noah sometimes, but remembering the insults he’d flung made me want nothing more than to wrap my arms around Colton and tell him it would be all right, that we would make this work together.

But when I made the mistake of trying, he pushed me away, reminding me of my place in things.

Now, he was marching around the store, barking orders, and generally acting like an asshole. That didn’t make what I wanted to ask him any easier to get out. The clock was ticking, though. We were just short of two weeks away from the project’s completion, and I needed to stop thinking about Colton and lock Landon down. One more interaction with him would do the trick. I was sure of it.

This was why I had texted him earlier in the morning after a meeting with Dad to ask if he wanted to get together for drinks later tonight. His immediate, enthusiastic response had left me floating on cloud nine until I arrived at the store to find Colton berating the electricians for—as he put it—dragging their feet.

“Can I speak to you?” Rather than wait for a response, I tucked my hand in Colton’s elbow and pulled him into my office. It was coming along but wouldn’t feel quite right until everything was finished and the last touches were in place. I couldn’t wait to bring in plants and personal items.

“What is it?” he grumbled. “I still have calls to make to one of the suppliers. They shorted us on drywall.” Maybe the growl in his voice that tinged his obnoxious behavior with a touch of sexiness. Or maybe I was that hard up for him. I had to get over it. I would need to get him out of my system sooner or later.

Landon was the guy for me.




Taking my life in my hands, I said, “I was going to ask if you wanted to go out for a drink tonight. I invited Landon.”

He closed his eyes and released a long breath that told me this wouldn’t end well. “Why do I have to hear his name every goddamn day?”

“You don’t hear his name every day, and a simple no would suffice.” However, it wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear. “Remember, this was your idea. I could easily tell him we broke things off.”

His jaw tightened. “No, it’s too soon for that.”

“Too soon for what?”

“For him to think I’m stepping aside so he can take my place.” Scoffing, he shook his head. “Fuck that. What time?”

“Seven o’clock.” Now, I wished I hadn’t set it up at all. Not with him in this mood. How could I have known Mr. Hyde would show up today in Colton’s place?

“I’ll be there. Now, if you’ll excuse me, some of us have shit to do that doesn’t involve making dates.” I was left sputtering in disbelief while he marched out of the room.

It wasn’t long before I heard him on the phone with the drywall supplier, yelling for answers. The sudden change had to be because of Barrett. If only he would let me in so we could talk about it, but I knew him too well to hope for that. He would rather internalize it and take it out on everybody else. Especially me, since I’d overheard the whole ugly fight.

I still knew his heart better than anyone.

* * *

“Landon! I thought that was you!”