Colton didn’t bother stifling a snide laugh when we were interrupted for a third time no more than ten minutes after Landon joined us at a pub in town. This time, it was a woman I vaguely recognized. Mom had redecorated her vacation home at some point. They were around the same age, though that didn’t stop her from practically shoving her boobs in Landon’s face as she bent down for an air-kiss.
While the two of them talked, Colton leaned over in the booth, his lips brushing my hair before he murmured, “I’ve seen basketballs less inflated than those tits. Look how he’s staring at them.”
“Shut up,” I hissed, though he had a point. “And maybe slow it down,” I added, eyeing the two empty glasses already in front of him.
The defiant jerk lifted his hand to signal a passing server. “I’ll have another.”
“None for me,” I murmured when she looked my way. I was still nursing my first glass of wine. Landon, meanwhile, was too busy discussing the campaign with Basketball Tits.
“Could you at least behave yourself? Loosen up,” I whispered to Colton.
Draping an arm across the top of the booth, he gave me a careless shrug. “I’m fine. I don’t need to loosen up. You’re the one who historically needs to loosen up, remember?”
“Colton, Rose, do you know Paula Davies?” Landon was definitely pouring on the charm tonight. “Her husband is one of my campaign’s most generous donors as of this week.”
“Well, there’s no accounting for financial decisions.” Colton pretended to laugh at what wasn’t a joke while shaking Paula’s bejeweled hand. “Don’t listen to me. Landon and I go way back. It’s what we do.”
Landon didn’t look like he saw anything funny about it. “The good old days. A lot of water under the bridge since then,” he pointed out in a quiet voice.
“I won’t keep you,” Paula insisted. “Though I did want to invite you out to our yacht next weekend, Landon, for some fishing. Johnny has been dying to show off his new toys.”
“I figured she was showing off his new toys right now,” Colton muttered, barely trying to lower his voice as he eyed her very tight, low-cut sweater. I kicked his ankle under the table, but he gave no reaction.
“Sorry about that.” Landon only had eyes for me once Paula left, and he sounded chagrined. “I can’t go anywhere. So much for a private life.”
“Isn’t that the trade-off?” Colton accepted a fresh drink, lifting it like he was saluting Landon. “I’m not sure I could handle the scrutiny.”
“But then, you have plenty worth scrutinizing,” Landon countered, lowering his brow.
Shots fired. That was the first real, certifiable insult he had slung so far. I almost respected him for it.
Colton countered by drawing me closer, his lips grazing my temple. “This one made an honest man out of me,” he replied. He may as well have peed on me to mark his territory. But we were supposed to make this look real, right? Or was he only doing it to get under Landon’s skin?
“I imagine a woman like Rose could turn anybody around,” Landon agreed. “She’s a hell of a lot prettier than any of the girls you were involved with back in school too. And there were plenty of them, Rose, trust me,” he added with a wink.
“Good to know you kept count,” Colton gritted out, teeth clenched in what might have passed for a smile if we were strangers.
Landon was no stranger, which might have been why he doubled down, leaning toward me from across the table. “Just think… if you weren’t with this slacker, you’d be with me on the campaign trail. We’d make the perfect couple.”
Thank God my reflexes were quick when Colton practically launched himself from his seat, growling. “Who the fuck—” It was all he managed to get out before I took his arm in both hands and pulled down with all my might. Thankfully, that was all it took to keep him from grabbing Landon and rearranging his face.
“He’s only joking,” I murmured as I cozied up to him, wearing a cheesy smile to hide my horror.
Landon shrugged with a sigh. “I guess it’s a shame you got your hands on her before I did.”
“I’ve always been good with my hands,” Colton replied, this time kissing my cheek before nuzzling my neck until Landon scoffed softly and looked away.
This was a fucking disaster.
It was a relief when Landon caught sight of something behind me and waved. “Sorry to cut this short, kids, but I made a dinner reservation here with some potential donors after Rose invited me out.”
Taking my hand, he lifted it to his lips. “A pleasure, Rose. We’ll have to do this again real soon,” he said, holding my gaze a long moment before nodding to Colton while making his escape and calling out to his guests.
“Dickhead.” Colton sneered into his glass before draining what was left. “I hope you don’t mind being second to his donors.”
I was beginning to question that myself, but I sure as hell didn’t need to hear it from him. “You’re getting drunk. I’m going home.”
What the hell had I been thinking, setting this up?