My spirit clutched.

Maybe he did remember after all.

I turned back to Giselle, petting her again, needing something to do with my hands. “I did.”

“And now you’re back.” It rang with some kind of implication before I heard the tease weave its way back in. “And living right next door to me.”

An unfortunate complication.

“Apparently so.”

“You didn’t move back to work on your father’s ranch?”

My head shook. “It was time I did something for myself.”

I cringed, hating that it revealed too much, that I was opening up to this guy who I knew better than to trust.

“Because you’re not weak.” He took me back to what I’d done my best to claim last night.

Disbelief punched from my lungs. He didn’t know anything about me, and I didn’t need him standing there insinuating that he did.

“Fuckin’ gorgeous, too.”

Desire twisted my stomach. Do not fall for his bullshit, Hailey.

“I think you should get back to work, Mr. Cooper, and save the inappropriate comments. From my understanding, this is a big project. That’s where you should probably put your focus. I saw the contract, and I think you’re being more than well-compensated.”

He was making a small fortune.

I refused to look back at him, just kept my regard on Giselle as he stood there like he was shocked that I didn’t fall into his hands.

So typical of his type.

He was used to women falling all over him. He used them up for one night, then he left them broken in the morning.

And by whatever energy he was exuding, he had some kind of delusion I was going to be one of them.

Like I would ever betray…

My teeth ground as my thoughts threatened to dive into dangerous territory.

“If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Cooper. I’m busy.” I could hardly force it out.

He wavered for a moment, the heat of his gaze burning into my back, consuming as his presence swelled in the space.

I felt it when he finally gave, and the metal rattled as he straightened and walked out. I could hear the heavy thud of his boots as he retreated, the man taking the suffocating energy with him as he went.

I breathed out in relief, and my forehead dropped to Giselle’s neck. I drew in a bunch of steadying breaths, silently encouraging myself to get it together.

It was ridiculous I was letting Cody Cooper affect me at all.

He was nothing but the catalyst for the worst day of my life.

And I bet he was so self-absorbed that he didn’t even know.

Easing back from the foal, I swatted at the one tear that got free, lifted my chin, and got back to work.

I made it through the rest of the day without any more run-ins with Cody, other than catching sight of him in my periphery and in the far distance when he’d been standing over his team, giving instructions.