He’d been holding his cap in one hand and running the other through the messy locks of his brown hair, not that I was keeping tabs or anything.

It’d been a super busy day for me, acquainting myself with the horses, plus I’d called a meeting with the members of the staff under me to review the daily processes and to go over a few changes that I wanted to implement.

I felt both energized and zapped by the time I climbed into my Durango at just after five.

Satisfaction brimming because I knew this was exactly where I belonged. I’d worked for this, and I’d never again allow anyone to try to sway me from my path.

Would never allow anyone to use me.

Delude me into thinking I was serving a good purpose when the only thing I’d been was a pawn.

Starting the engine, I pulled out and weaved down the long driveway of the resort with a smile plastered to my face. I was eager to get home to see how Lolly and Madison had faired today.

My grandmother would be watching her during the day until I got her settled into a preschool. I was so grateful that my daughter was going to have the same time with Lolly as I’d had when I was young.

Sure she would be safe and cherished and loved, plus if I knew my Lolly well enough, they’d get up to all kinds of shenanigans and adventures.

Memories that Maddie would forever hold.

When I got to the end of the resort’s drive, I made the left onto the winding two-lane road that ran between Time River and Hendrickson.

This area was mostly desolate other than the turnoffs to a few ranches and massive estates that were hidden in the woods.

Here, the forest was dense and deep, and I settled into the comfort as I drove beneath the hedge of trees that tightly hugged the road.

The sunlight was partially shut out by the thick canopy of branches and leaves, and it created a quiet, secluded vibe.

A vibe that could almost pass as creepy if I didn’t know better, so I all but rolled my eyes at myself with the way my nerves twisted when I glimpsed a car in the rearview mirror.

It’d seemed to have come out of nowhere but now remained set back, far enough that I couldn’t make out any details other than the flashes of metallic black and the glimmer of glass that struck in the rays that broke through the foliage.

Though there was something about it that set me on edge. The way it seemed to be keeping an exact amount of distance between us.

I accelerated just to prove to myself that I was letting my imagination get carried away.

I was still letting fear win, and I didn’t come here to sink right back into the same dread that I’d worn for years.

Only the car accelerated, too.

Keeping pace.

I pushed down on the pedal, and my heart climbed into my throat when the car came even closer.

Thoughts whirled, my mind frantic as I searched for a solution.

An escape route. For a way to make this go away forever.

Because I refused to be afraid.

Pruitt didn’t get to control me any longer, and I wouldn’t stand down, no matter how much pressure he put on me. No matter the threats.

Relief punched like a shock to the chest when the trees fell away and my path opened to the town of Hendrickson, Colorado.

Businesses sat on each side, stores and restaurants and offices. The buildings were mostly two story and situated close to the road with cobblestone sidewalks out front. Each were painted cute colors with abundant flower beds and pots sitting on their stoops.

People meandered.

Activity all around.